Larry profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Larry arises as a person of exceptional breadth and depth. His natural detachment assists his senses in forging his destiny without cumbersome sentiment or extraneous emotion. He visions a sound sense of fact and it helps him to deal with the present. Larry is aggressively verbal. Words are the vehicle of this clear-thinking soul. Also or at least sensitivity to social change or breakthrough colors his existence. He chooses to exercise power over others, but if so, the goal is never power for itself. Rather, he seeks to lead or advise, judge and guide his fellows toward a more perfect world where truth gets more airtime than falsehood. Zeroing in on human behavior, be it fictional or real, Larry synthesizes events into a digestible form. His plan is to so cleverly reflect real life by means of a unique personal vision that finally teaches human beings about themselves. Literature, the law, journalism, the cinema and the arts are vehicles for his huge talent. His natural clarity and his brilliance join hands. He’s a strong, hard-working person who longs to achieve the unlikely, and often do. Too, he is versatile. He is most of all a doer. He cares more for his work and the advancement of the human race than he does for material wealth or celebrity. As long as he is professionally active, he is content. Enthusiasm is his character because he wants to get more done than is humanly possible in a normal eight-hour workday. For Larry, accomplishment is what life is all about. Larry loves to take chances. He is least afraid to dream up or plan great deeds. He is essentially self-confident and has great personal integrity. He is wise and gifted. What’s more, he’s a noble person, whose dignity impresses friend and enemy alike. He is a clever tactician and always prefers to make a deal rather than to confront an adversary head-on in a duel.

My Interests

music, tv, radio, movies & the arts

I'd like to meet:



contemporary, wave songs and the classics


Sister Act, Mannequin, Serendipity, Kate & Leopold


news, current affairs, talk shows, showbiz oriented, music channels


road less travelled, living life fully, light moments, living alive, one day at a time, tuesdays with morrie, purpose driven life


Superman, Spiderman, She-ra