Molly profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I'm a dog. I just popped out a few puppies lately. They are cute..We are selling them for 25 buck$ each. There is 5 of them. Two boys, three girls. Klaus-Oldest Boy. Light tan. Very playful, LOVES being held, will let you flop him around. Good with kids. Lighter eyes. Longer face. Tail curls. Likes laying on his back. William-Boy. All black except for rotwiler markings. Only on with longer wavy hair. Dark eyes. Looks poofy after a bath. VERY frindly and playful. Seems to like to bounce. Shorter face. Tail curls. Likes laying on his back. A pig when it comes to eating. Tends to be lazy. Ava-Girl. All black except for rotwiler markings. Shorter legs. More of a smushed face. Short haird. Dark eyes. Wags her tail the most out of them all, and we think it's curled, but when she wags it so much you can't tell.. Lola-Girl. Tan with dark ears and dark snout. Dark tail and back. Tail curls. Longer face. Middle hair length. Lighter eyes. A little more shy then the others, but will play too. ADORABLE. Is good with being held. Emma-Girl. The youngest and the runt. Shorter legs. Reddish tan. Tail slightely curls. Smushed shorter face. Big dark eyes. Is the most timid and likes to be held close and tighty so she'll feel safe. But she is popular with house guests...None of them are claimed so far, though some people have shown some interst in every one but Ava. They were held IMMEDIATELY after they were born and are handled and played with ALOT. This will make them better more social and family friendly dogs when they grow up. They were born on Dec. 2nd 2006. Today they turned four weeks old. We can give them away once they turn 6 or 7 weeks. By then they will be on puppy food. but they need to be given away soon before they are too attatched to us and begin to respond to their names. So hurry! Come get 'em!
This profile was edited with MyHangoutSpace Editor

My Interests

Sleeping and running away..

I'd like to meet:

Nobody, I'm kind of a gerk..


I don't listen to music much. Only when Lauren Blasts her favorite Michael Buble' songs.


I like the fox and the Hound. Who doesn't?


Ummm.....I sleep through most of it.


I have to admit i do not have the ability to read...


Mighty Mouse...