What's up, World. My name is Brian L. Christian. I am a photographer. Well, here we go. I absolutley love photography. I have been to school and assisted many photographers. Everyone has a passion, this one is mine. I admire a lot of photographers and I study a lot of them as well. My favorites, Gordon Parks, Sante D'sario, Norman Jean Roy and Kwaku Alston. My mentor ask me a long time ago, why did I want to be a shootist. Simply put, I love to make things beautiful. Put your best foot forward and the rest in the garbage.
Having said all of that, I look forward to communing with the world with my talent. Give me a call @ 404 441 9092 or drop me a email @:[email protected]">Brian_L_Christian1@hotm
ail.com . I thank God for my visions and I thank you for your time.
For more of my workcheck out: www.BrianLChristian.com