I'm a laid back, big kid, sappy, at times a little nerdy (or as I like to call it pithy), humorous kinda guy, that likes keepin' it real and keepin' the peace, all in a warm family kinda atmosphere. I'm pretty happy with being me, because no one can be me better than me. But there is always room for improvement. I'm a Taz (go WB)fan that doesn't enjoy stress or stressful situation, but I seem to handle it pretty well. Peaceful excitement(Peace beyond understanding) is a must, but for those with ego, that feel the need to start drama they can..........
Roll out, Hit the Bricks, Spread out, Scram, High Tail it outta here, Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Kick Rocks Homeboy or Homegirl...In other words "LEAVE" ;o]
"I still love ya, but I just don't like ya sometimes"... I prefer love over tolerance any day...Love will tolerate and it covers a multitude of sins.I like to play basketball. And I love to beat my kids at "21" on Wednesday Nights. No tips! ;^p Tips are for wimps. ;^]...Don't hate the playa baby. Hate the game...Hate the GAME ;^)I've started riding my bike more since the Oil Companies want more money from me than Uncle Sam...On the bright side, it helps deflate my spare tire, and I don't mean the one on my Jeep.I do a little Kung-Fu on the side...Hong Kong Phooey style:OI'm a big water drinker with a schizo appetite of carnivore vs vegan...It usually ends in a draw, with both sides being happy. =09 (Thank You Tam's)I HOPE & PRAY:
I'd like to think that real superheroes exist, minus the capes, masks, and customs. My hope is that in someway I can be a superhero by helping others become the heroes, they never thought they could be. Check out da spot you just might find some heroes in action & in training.(I told you I was sappy) =^?
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !