kellah. profile picture


and these days, i wish i was six again. give me a red cape, i wanna be superman.

About Me

i'm kelly

i'm awesome

i graduated from westmont
[it sucked]

i'm going to upj
for journalism and political science

i work at sears
i "sell" jewelry
everyone there is cool
['cept rhonda]
don't ask

my brother's girlfriend is awesome
i guess my boyfriend is okay tooooo <3

aim = thenkellahsays

Myspace Layouts

My Interests

good books, long walks on the beach, interesting conversation, and fine wine

just kidding

I'd like to meet:

rotc guys, preps, sexually active band geeks, girls who eat their feelings, jv jocks, unfriendly black hotties, cool asians, asian nerds, varsity jocks, desperate wannabes, and art freaks.


jason mraz, weezer, michael buble, john mayer, maria mena, and ludacris


superhero movies and chick flicks


scrubs, the office, wkuk when robbie has the remote


anything not assigned by a teacher, minus the scarlet letter - thanks a.w. for making freshman english not suck


mom, dad, kisko, utsav, nick khuri, yoda, your mom

My Blog

unconventional at least...

since having a slightly confusing and nihilistic religion rant, i've decided not to use myspace as some random platform to vent my anger or views. i got livejournal again, maybe i'll even pu...
Posted by kellah. on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST

And I think to myself...

Ah yes, religion and philosophy. be careful with this one. i'm hurt. i'm angry. i'm going to lash out and i'm not doing much to restrain myself because frankly, i have tried and i hold this all in and...
Posted by kellah. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:18:00 PST