About Me
Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts
Tell Me About Yourself, The Updated version^
Name: Marc
Birthdate: July 1977
Birthplace: Leicester
Current Location: At home
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Mousy
Height: 5' 10"
Are you Right or Left handed: Right
Heritage: English
What Shoes Did You Wear Today: Socks all day
Weaknesses: Crap drinker
What are your main Fears: In a club, finding out theres no bog roll left when its too late
Likes: Good food, nice people, decent music, socialising, the summer, barbecues,
Dislikes: Sweet foods, pointless celebrities, any reality tv, laziness, rude people, kaiser chiefs
Perfect Pizza: Something spicey, pineapple and olives
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Give up smoking in time for the ban
First Thoughts Waking Up: Weekdays - bloody work again, Weekends - still alive
Best Physical Attribute: Feet aren't too bad
Normal Bedtime: When im tired
Most Treasured Memory: Cant remember past last weekend
Pepsi or Coke: Diet coke please
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King all the way
Tea or Coffee: Tea, strong no sugar
Favourite Drink: Fresh orange
Favourite Colour: Dont have one
Any Brothers or Sisters: One of each
Best Quality: Think i'm quite generous
Worst Quality: Can be a miserable twat at times
Chocolate or Vanilla: Neither
Do You Smoke: Yes
Do You Sing: Badly
Do You Shower Daily: Pretty much
Have You Ever Been In Love: I guess so
Finest Achievement: Nearly finished doing up my house, only taken 3 1/2 years
Do you Believe in Yourself? In certain situations
Do you Get Motion Sickness?&..39;
Would you Consider yourself Healthy: Smoke and drink a lot, zero exercise, its probably a no
Can you Cook: I like it, my girlfriend doesn't
Do you Get on With your Parents: Yes thanks
Do You Like Thunderstorms: Only when i'm indoors
Do You Play an Instrument: Guitar badly
What is your Favourite Food: A nice piece of steak
What is your Most Commonly Eaten Food: A piece of cheese
Have you Ever Been On Stage: School concerts
Have you ever been Dumped: Yeah
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Not as an adult
Have you ever been drunk: Erm yes
Have you Ever Been Beaten up: Nothing more than a punch
Have you got any Tattoos: No
How Do you Want to Die: Quickly
What do you want to be When you Grow Up: Think i am
How Many CDs do you Own: Hundreds
Is your name Rory Van Millingen?: Heh?
In a Boy/ Girl:
Eye Colour: any
Hair Colour: any
Hair Type: No perms please
Height: Not too tall
Weight: No fatties please
Clothing Style: Individual, retro
From the Past, Have you got any Regrets? Loads