Trying to make the best decisions to make my life go in the direction I want it to go in. Which is really difficult...unfortunatly.
Edward, Howard Schultz, Harry Potter and Conrad Devereaux Wade IV.
I just started running a couple of months anything upbeat that helps me maintain a good pace while I'm out there is what I like to listen to. And anything Pandora will think I'll like.
The only movie I'm thinking about is twilight. The trailer looks sooooo goood!!!!
My current online tv addiction: The Hills! I just wish my friends watched it so we could talk about it. What the hell is Heidi thinking? Why did Audrina have to get a boob job? The City is going to be awesome!!
I just read the most amazing book! It's called "A Trip to the Stars" and it was absolutely amazing. The story is about two people that get separated and meet up again fifteen years later and everything that happens while they were apart. I recommend that book to anyone. Another great book is "Dress your family in denim and courdory" by David Sedaris...HILARIOUS!!! Anything by him is a must read. I also just read Twilight, which is a way dorky book...but it's being passed around by my girlfriends, so at least I'm not a lonely dork!
My sister and her full trash bag.