Mr.Nuttin On Her Lip..$he $aid $hes Droolin.. profile picture

Mr.Nuttin On Her Lip..$he $aid $hes Droolin..

Goons all day...the rest of yall lame...

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First Name: Damien
Nickname: D
Location: HokeLoop...WestSide Of CliffDale...HP
Age: 17
NAtural Hair color: Black
Present hAIr color: Black
Eye Color: Black...Unless Im Gettin My Pretty Boi On..
Sexual Preference: Chocolate Fee's & Red Bones
[The Nosey]
What color is ur underwear: WOAH
Do you have a crush on sum1: Yea...Of Course
Who do u have a crush on: That Chlelsea
What is special about them: HER
do they like you back: Cant Tell You...Im Wondrin 2...
Does anyone have a crush on you I Hope Damn So
Which celebrities do u find attractive All Of Them...Them Hoes BALLIN...
Have you ever watched porn: WHAT! Of Course...
Did you enjoy it: Straight...Different...Keep ME Attentive..LOL
Do you fuck or make love: Personally..I Fuck...But Can Make Love
Have u ever had sex with a girl: Yea...
Have you ever had sex with a boy? NO HOMO..
Have you ever kissed a girl: Yea...
Have you ever kissed a boy: NO SIR...
Have you ever gone down on somebody: Umm...YEA..
Has anyone gone down on you: YEA...
Are you sexually shy: NA
How many sexual partners have you had: WOAH...U Mind Yours I Mind Mine...
Do you have any sexual suggestions for anyone: Dont Touch...It You Smell It Out The Pants...FAREAL...
Would you ever make out with someone outside your race/religion? Yea
- Would you ever make out with someone who is ugly? HELL NO...
Would you ever make out with someone who is really fat/really thin? Thin Maybe...A Fat Ass...NA
Would u ever makeout with someone with bad hygiene: NOPE
Who do you want to make out with right now?: I Dont Know...Its A Kiss..
Who do you want to have sex with right now?: My BOO...
Are you a kitten in bed: Hell No
Sarah McLachlan or Wild Monkey? Wild Monkey
Where is the weirdest place you've ever had sex? I Got Some Chewin On A Plane...
Are you comfortable being naked around people? Females...Hell Yea..
What gives you goosebumps? When Im Cold..
[The Morals]
Would you kiss someone you don't love? No Problem
Would you have sex with someone you don't love? All The Time
Do you believe in sex before marriage? Hell No...That Some Lame Shit...
Have you ever been in love? Yea I Did Fall
Do you want to get married? Yea...Early 30..Late 20
[The Ending]
What is the time? 3:00
How long did this take you? DiDnt Keep Time..
Did you enjoy this? Yea...Put A Smile To My Face
Are you a pervert? Bitch...
What did you do most during this survey? Type Bull
Any final thoughts? ShotOuts To My..GO GET GOONS..




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