Id like to meet Jesus and Id like to meet me in the future because i am an aspiring time traveler. We find our hero, Salty McNabb, knight of the royal round table, guarding the most precious of all the buffet tables in the land. When upon him stumbled Pepperjack - infamous for rampant sugar crystal thieveries, with a heart of spice and a crown of iron, he was the most feared and villianous villian ever to flavor the least flavorfull of meats. Sadly, Salty was quickly subdued. Pepperjack decapitated him and surely had his way with him. This did not please Sir Lancelot Due Lake of the lemon head crown. What is to become of our hero Salty we do not know....Salt has been spilt O'er the land and we can only hope that he escapes the clutches of the EVIL pepperjack unscathed.
Bright Eyes, Hair Metal, Doo Wop
Donnie Darko Goonies Almost Famous The Sandlot Dead Poets Society Catch Me If You Can Back to the Future The Good the Bad and the Ugly Indiana Jones Some Like It Hot Into the Wild I JUST LOVE MOVIES
Scrubs, Heroes
The Giver, Catcher in the Rye, Leaves of Grass, The Philosophy of Time Travel, Harry Potter, The Chronicals of Narnia, Dude Wheres My Country, Stupid White Men, 1984, The Notebook