About Me
msg me on Aim Samuraikallyn
Attention everyone, this is your captian speaking,
Im Sick and tired of these motherfucking rumors, on this mother fucking plane...
now eat your peanuts and enjoy your pally shore flick.
that is all.
"If the world was ever in more need of a hero, now is surely the time." -Colin M. Cousins, 2005
"Always remember, Its best to let them know what you've done, but not what you're going to do." - Colin M. Cousins, 2008
so ya.. where to begun.. its been a while since i updated my profile...like.. a year or so...
Hi, Im Colin, A.K.A Not-So-Silent Bob, or TROGDOR THE BURNiNATOR! I am a 20yo male of the human persuasion.
Please to meet you*shake hand here ---- _________
ok maybe later then..
Lets just get this out of the way
ok then, on with the show..
Im psuedo tall. 6'4". but apparently im tall enough to join the official "Tall People's Club". My hair is gone. To much playing in radio active slop as a child.
I have the most beautiful blue eyes you will ever see.. because I will eventually poke them out... yours or mine.. doesnt really matter...
I am a College dropout with a major in Theater, and a minor in Psychology and Photography.
You can see some of my acting Wednesday nights at Skybar, in Bowling Green, Ohio, when I will be performing my street act "Not-So-Silent Bob"
what else do you need to know about me?
yes i type what i am thinking... and i actually think dot dot dot... um
pickels.. cucumbers... eggs...
Sorry ADHD moment.. i stopped taking my meds... about 10 years ago.
i love to have fun and goof off.. unless i say im being serious. always take what i have to say with a grain of salt.
i love to play VideoGames, Baldurs Gate II: Shadow Of Amn, Halo 2, Gears Of War, Diablo II, Gunz, ElderScrolls Oblivion, Final Fantasy VII. and i am the undisputed champion of Soul Calibur 3.
other than video games. Movies and Music take up most of my time.. id like to think of myself as a movie critique. and i have a whole closet full of records from artists youve never even heard off XD.
anything else.....
but ya. thats me.. in a HUGE FUCKING nutshell..
thank you for your time..
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glumbert - People Getting Punched Just Before Eating
My Blog
I am currently looking for a new place of residence, i can no longer live at my currently home in toledo. for a complete synopsis of why, contact me via phone 567-202-3194. preferably Text.if you have...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 21:37:00 GMT
Ok so apparently because i posted this the first time from my cellphone, some people couldnt read it.. so here it is again posted from my computer currently using my cellphone as a modem to get intern...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 03:16:00 GMT
the long over-due update.
Hey there you shivering poop-hole! This is going out to everyone. The small % of the 154 friends I have that actually read this, and the rest of the people who don't even bother looking closer to see ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:52:00 GMT
Hanzel Und Gretyl Tour (pseudo update)
ok, so this is just a small update, when i get more time to, i will post a full update (maybe even a 2 parter who knows?) so weve been to New York City, we played at the Madison Square Garden. ok, so ...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 00:44:00 GMT
On Tour with Hanzel Und Gretyl
ok so heres the deal, none of you are going to see me for the next 2 weeks because i am going on tour with Hanzel Und Gretyl.. in about... um.... 3 hours. were going all over the east coast and even u...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:13:00 GMT
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT SATURDAY! As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked. He must commit suicide if he does. So next Saturday...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 23:48:00 GMT
sometimes the list needs alittle washing..
soooooo If youre still on my friend list... consider yerself lucky, you have survived the first Cut in the ranks. you are the people that i still have some sort of emotional/physical attatchment to......
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 04:30:00 GMT
priceless, to know the definition of what life is...
ok back to the updates...sooo i was pretty much kicked out of the place i was staying at in BG.. so now im living out of my car... but its ok.. i know plenty of people on campus and around BG to survi...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:43:00 GMT
In Soviet Russia, Game Plays YOU!
I want to play a game... Let's give this a try, thought it could be fun. Here's the rules:You post a comment on here and I'll either reply to your comment or send ya a message. Simple as that.1. I'll ...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 17:31:00 GMT
update (Pt1)
hmmm what to say.. its been quite some time since ive given an actual update into my life... where to start? lets see... acouple weeks ago was Animarathon '08. I cosplayed as "Generic Sidekick/ Comedi...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:19:00 GMT