Singing...what I like, what I want... one day, I will
Only rock'n'roll people!
AC/DC of course!
Hard-Rock,Heavy Metal,Rock and Blues... Some Blue Grass but only when it kicks...!
AC/DC - Bedlam In Belgium
Life of Brian Rocky Horror Picture Show The Quest for the Holy Grail And soon Spinal Tap (thanks to Phil, Oli & Mich)
Who has time enough to watch TV???
AC/DC - Two Sides To Every Glory by Paul Stenning (English) - 2005AC/DC - Gus Cabezas (Spanish) - 1995 / Sacudida Al Sistema - Mark Putterford (Spanish) - 1992AC/DC - Enrique Tomás (French)- 1996 AC/DC - Thierry Chatain (French) - 1982
Why should I need a heroe?