Lately its been home improvement...self-improvement... When i think i know it all...a quote from Socrates always helps..."An unexamine life is not worth living."
Anyone that's taken the time to see beyond the obvious--people with original ideas/visions.A friend told me that everyone is put into our for a reason...Makes me wonder and hope if I have touched people's lives for the right reasons...
So far I've been blessed to have met some incredible people, these individual know who they are....(most of them think they're too cool for myspace,,,) but I trust and look forward to meeting/making more friends.
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Love music that crosses genres. Evidently I've listened and enjoyed an array of aura pleasures...the beat, rythm, melody are like colours to our lives...I could never get stuck to one hue... There's just too man shades of reds--blues and greens, etc... Don't let all your feelings and emotions die inside of you. BTW...I'm listening to some really hot disco/gospel house groove right now.
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I'm kind of a dork, one summer I drenched myself with all of the American classics I could get a hold of... The fallowing summer I broaden to forign films--You might not agree with my top choices because I'm aware of my peculiar appeal to unconvientional cinema. A great movie must have captivating dialgoues, mesmerizing characters, compelling issues, a big plus for hisorical references, breath taking cinematography, rocking sound tracks, jaw dropping dance sequences/fight choregraphy and non-chessy acting.... If you concur with my prerequsites you might want to net flix some of these films.. Citizezn Kane, House of Mirth, I am sam, My other sister, Beautiful Life, My life in Pink, The pianist, What dreams may come, Great Expectation, Amelie, Breakfest at Tiffany, Caberet, Radio Flyer, Grease, Funny Girl, Once upon a time in America, GIA, Fight Club, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, BirdCaged, his other life, Chocolate, Josphine Baker, Almost Famous, Ridding in Cars with Boys.....that's from the top of my head....
Avoid it!!!!! my guilty Pleasure HGTV, everything Bravo--Grey's Anatomy. I'm a little late whe it comes to the tube...I finally caught up this summer with all the reruns with ANTM, Oprah, and Gay ass shows like that.
I wish I was more of an avid reader...I find comfort in the great escape by sinking into non-fictions that can deliver social satire. Judging from the books that I have started and finished have mainly been novels written by contemprary authors( My way of rebeling for all the American Classics we had to read in H.S.) P.S I avoid dead authors--- I thought I share this bit of advice...anytime I begin to feel sorry for myself--I pick up an autobiogray/bios--you think you have problems? Above all the journeys of past icons is truly inspiring!!! No time to read? Nothing wrong with perusing through Mags...glossy pics--fashion--male models--nothing's wrong with that. :)
As I have mentioned earlier Bios are some of my favorite lit to read---Here are some icons who I feel have contributed to why we don't think the world is "Flat" anymore: Galeo, Einstien, Barrack Obama, Victor Frankle, Sidartha, Socrates, Mother Teresa,John lennon/Yoko Ono, Larry Flynt, Harpo, MLK, the heroes of Stonewall, Dr. Wayne Dyer, MADGE, A. Jolie, J. Baker, JFK, Marlyn Manson, Chanel, Suzzane B Anthony, Anderson Copper.