muSic. giMik. siLence. liBido. baBy. SNoOp dOgg. lOve. tExtiNg. kaLbO. sUpeR taLL gUyS. maCho MuG. foOLin aRoUnd. dAnciNg. mOviEs. mEn. dVd. bBoyS. ja ruLe. sLeEpiNg. inteRnet. oUt oF tuNe siNgiNg. lAughiNg. smiLinG.'s my digits...09224980425 / 09284082516 ayt? peace.
oLd skuL rocK. niRvana. mEtallicA. guNs 'n roSes. peaRL jAm. skiDRow. u2. alternative rock. incUbuS. paRokya ni eDgaR. hoObastaNk. sAndwich. RnB/hip-hop. 2pac. JA rule. sNoop dOgg. neLLy. 50cent. twiSta. uSheR. DMX. chingy. beyOnce. ciaRa. pop. MYMP. juStin timbeRlake. classic. fRank sinatRa. thE caRpenteRS. gloRia eStefan. ciNdy laupEr. rock 'n roll. tHe beatLes. eLvis pRestLey. LAHAT. ALL. i'm a freakin music lover.
sO maNy eH...bUt heRe's a fEw...finding nemo. the butterfly effect. my sassy girl. the notebook. i am sAm. shaLLow haL. you gOt servEd. drUmLine. GIRL NEXT DOOR.
blind date. meet my folks. queer eye 4d straight guy. mtv. myx. opRah. simpLe life. veRonicA maRs. feaR facToR. wiLL and gRace. fRienDs. laTe at nigHt wiTh cOnan o'briAn. miSS maTch. one tree hiLL. fashionTV(especiaLLy lingerie). bikini open in solarTV. committed. significant others. the OC.
gOne bUt nOt fOrgottEn. by thE rivEr piEdra i sAt dowN and wEpt. paBoritOng libRo ni Hudas. aBnkKbAsnpLakO. tuesdAy's with moRrie. the notebOok. eRmita. tHe oLd maN anD thE sEa.
my daD. my mOm. my siStaH. caPtain pLanEt anD tHe pLaNetEeRS..