Beer, and lately that evil life sucking World of Warcraft...damn you Kim for getting me hooked...damn you to...where ever people who get thier friends hooked on games are damned to...Oh, and of course meetin new people and gaining new frienships.
Smart, fun people who know who they are and respect others. Strong and stable emotionally would be a great place to start. Although a stable is where they keep horses, and I really don't care how many push ups people can what the hell, I guess I'll pretty much just stick with the fun people who respect others.
Jimmy Buffett, Clapton, No Doubt, Norah Jones, Mellissa Ethridge, Missing Dave (local band that ROCKS)....bizarre enough mix for you?
LOTR, Groundhog Day, Pirates of the Carribean, any John Wayne or Monty Python flick, Groundhog Day, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Blazing Saddles, Planes trains and automobiles, Groundhog Day...
Who has time for that? Oh ok, I have some. Andromeda (well when it was on), The Daily Show, South Park, 2 1/2 men, Simpsons, Family Guy, various news stations to try to get a mix of propaganda, random movies and Discovery Channel
I was reading an excellent book about the history of the Philippines, but I left it on the plane rushing off to meet my friend Kim during a lay-over...guess I'll have to fly back to Manila and get another copy (and some San Miguel of course).
Anybody who realizes that even though life may not be how you or other people wish it was, they still do their very best with what they have and help out as many people as possible while in it. (Oh, and people who know how I should have used punctuation in that last sentence.)