punk will die when conflicts end
the only problem is conflicts will never end!!!
music, movies, Dancing, acting a fool, Red Stripe, Whiskey and other boozes (but not drinking my life away), Actually living!, Reading, Music, Music, and making fun of Religion,Law Enforcement,Politics,You,Him,Her,and the rest of you!, i also like workin it's fun because i make it fun!And of course....
and of course hideous creatures that lurk underground such as myself!!
People who can actually be themselves (and aren't extremely selfish and shallow....know alot of them!), who aren't afraid to admit what they do, have, or like! People who aren't scared to go crazy, and make an ass out of themselves but can also be serious when the time is needed! People who think alike like me: Reality, without the bullshit and keeping the fantasys, and dreams of your own strange world with you, in your heart forever all while being a great person who stands up for themselves!My name is Bryan i listen to music (mostly punk, metal 80s and true rock'n'roll) and I dont let no one push me around! I make horrible jokes (that i only laugh at) and i work at The Grill i eat Bass for 696 and sing as well. I like collages they are my kind of art! I'm a listener and i pay attention, i like to help my friends when they are in need of venting out the things that hurt other than that i aspire to be a pirate better than orlando bloom (yes he is a pirate watch the first movie!)because people have told me i look like him and it really sucks (im obviously lame for typing all that!) Some of my other hobbies include: breathing, eating, sleeping, and drinking the booze interesting? didn't think so!I LOVE THE BAND:
TOO MANY TO LIST but ill put a new cd up weekly!
MOVIE OF THE WEEK: (every monday) Review:*(In that movie voice!) A Wonderful romantic comedy, given two thumbs up from washed up 80s actors youll love it! (didn't expect this one did ya?)
Television is only good when you don't have cable, unless you aren't zombified to it.... but it used to rock! simply because:
books that have to do with bands, and history of them, and the music scene from the past and just crazy shit like that!
People who can be themselves!