XavO Rabbit profile picture

XavO Rabbit


About Me

Hola, me llamo Xavier Echeagaray,Bienvenidos a my space!! Profile made by Kasey

My Interests

Rock, Indie, Pintura, Psycodelia!

I'd like to meet:

me gusta: La Musica, Las Artes, La Fotografia, Ilustraciones, la lluvia, viajar, café, cielo nublado, frio, chocolate!


Arcade Fire, Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Doors, The Mars Volta, DEFACTO, at The Drive-in, Pink Floyd, Iron Butterfly, M83, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, The Police, Screaming Headless Torsos, Sigur Ros, Of Montreal, The Beatles, Beach Boys, The Flaming Lips, Smashing Pumpkins, Pixies, Calexico, Iron & Wine, The Format, The Horrors, The Magic Numbers, Clap Your Hands say yeah!, Blur, Oasis, RADIOHEAD, Jamiroquai, The New Pornographers, Noissetes, The Polyphonic Spree, Belle & Sebastian, Bright Eyes, Ellioth Smith, Jose Gonzalez, OK GO, OH NO! OH MY!, Velvet Revolver, Led Zepellin, The Sounds, Grand Funk, People Like Us, Aerosmith, AC/DC, HOT HOT HEAT, Kaiser Chiefs, The Vines, The Hives, The Strokes, The Cranberries, Alanis Morriset, The Smiths, The Cure, The Shadows, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Ray Charles, Benny Godman Big Band, Rolling Stones, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Greateful Death, Syd Barret, Mr Bungle, Foo Fighters, Sean Lennon, Gustavo Cerati, Enrique Bunbury, Heroes del silencio, Soda Stereo, Los Dynamite, Porter, Fobia, Los Bunkers Z


Pink Floyd:THE WALL, La naranja mekanika, La trilogia de Back to the future, Last days, Matando cabos, Efecto mariposa, y toda la galeria del cine de terror clasico y contemporaneo.




solo leo revistas como: LA MOSCA, ROLLING STONE, SWITCH, GORILA y MAD!!


Capulina, Tin Tan, el Santo, Kaliman, Cri Cri, la corcholata, la tostada, la guayaba, el morro, cepillin, chicoche, cesar costa, la pajara peggy, chabelo, pulgarcito, pepito, blue demon,Tin tan, el peje, pepe el toro, el osito carpintero, el che guevara, sub comandante marcos, el chavo del 8, el chapulin colorado, la chimoltrufia, viruta, la parka, chikidracula, el resortes, el chaneke, Henrich, Jhon Henry II, Locomay, Rigo Tovar y la abuelita de batman