{P}♥{Y}♥{T} profile picture



About Me

Below are the basics. If you feel that you'd like to know more, go ahead and holla at cha girl....
S Sassy
A Awesome
R Relaxed
A Awesome
H Honest
a.k.a ROSE

Birthday: ♥March 10
Birthplace: ♥Downey, Ca.
Current Location: ♥iindland empiire, Ca.
Eye Color: ♥Blue
Hair Color: ♥Dark Brown
Height: ♥5'10
Right Handed or Left Handed: ♥Righty
Your Heritage: ♥Mexican & Creole
The Shoes You Wore Today: ♥Black Sandals
Your Weakness: ♥LoVe
Your Fears: ♥Betrayal
Your Perfect Pizza: ♥Pep & Cheeeeze 4m Papa Johns w/ garlic sauce
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: ♥My NEW 07 Acura TL
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ♥LOL.....
Thoughts First Waking Up: ♥Let me see if i can get some more sleep laying the other way
Your Best Physical Feature: ♥EYES & LIPS
Your Bedtime: ♥Whenever I get sleepy
Your Most Missed Memory: ♥My Brother
Pepsi or Coke: ♥Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: ♥B.K.
Single or Group Dates: ♥Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ♥yuck!!!
Chocolate or Vanilla: ♥CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee: ♥Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: ♥not lately
Do you Swear: ♥naw... never... (shyyyt)
Do you Sing: ♥in my car
Do you Shower Daily: ♥of course
Have you Been in Love: ♥I wish I could say No!
Do you want to go to College: ♥yes
Do you want to get Married: ♥If the right man comes along
Do you belive in yourself: ♥yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: ♥sometimes
Do you think you are Attractive: ♥who wouldn't?
Are you a Health Freak: ♥It depends
Do you get along with your Parents: ♥sometimes
Do you like Thunderstorms: ♥They're coo if Im indoors with some1 special
Do you play an Instrument: ♥use to play the flute
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: ♥nope
In the past month have you Smoked: ♥nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: ♥nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: ♥nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: ♥yep
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: ♥YES I HAVE
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: ♥yep yep
In the past month have you been on Stage: ♥nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: ♥i honestly dont know what you would call it!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: ♥naw
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: ♥for what...? theres nothing i cant buy
Ever been Drunk: ♥off my ass
Ever been called a Tease: ♥lol...always
Ever been Beaten up: ♥nope
Ever Shoplifted: nope
How do you want to Die: ♥in my sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ♥Jus Like You...lol...
What country would you most like to Visit: ♥Europe
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: ♥it really dont matter
Favourite Hair Color: ♥dark
Short or Long Hair: ♥both it jus depends on the person
Height: ♥6'0 and up
Weight: ♥Not Fat
Best Clothing Style: ♥Urban
Number of Drugs I have taken: ♥2
Number of CDs I own: ♥too damn many
Number of Piercings: ♥9
Number of Tattoos: ♥4
Number of things in my Past I Regret: ♥Jus a few...
Have you ever?
smoked a cigarette?: yEs
smoked a cigar?: YeS
done drugs?:
drank alcohol?: yEs
been in love?: YeS
been dumped?: yEs
shoplifted?: LOL...
been fired?: nO
been in a fight?: yEs
snuck out of your house?: YeS
been arrested?: yEs
made out with a stranger?: YeS
gone out on a blind date?: nO
lied to a friend?: i reaLLy DoNt RemEmbeR.. &iF i DiD it WaS pRoBaBLy 4 tHeiR BeSt iNtReSt
had a crush on a teacher?: No
skipped school?: yEs
slept with a co-worker?: lol....
seen someone die?: NaW
had/have a crush on 1 of your myspace friends: yEs
been to Canada?: nO
been to Mexico?: yEs
been on a plane?: YeS
thrown up from drinking?: lol....
eaten sushi?: yEp
been skiing?: No
been in an abusive relationship?: DamN....
taken pain killers?: LOL... WhAtA sToRy!!!
love someone right now?: YeAh
laid on your back & watch the clouds?: YeS
made a snow angel?: yEs
used a fake ID?: LOL... OnCe
watched the sunset?: aLL tHe TiMe
touched a snake?: yEaH
felt an earthquake?: YeAh & NO JOKE... OnE oF mY WorSt FeArS
been tickeled?: YeAh AnD i DonT LiKe iT
been robbed?: ScArY sToRy.. buT yEs
been misunderstood?: LOL...
won a contest?: YeS
been suspended from school?: lol... yeah
had detention?: WoW... AlOt oF tHE TiMe
been in a wreck?: YeS
had/have braces?: yEs
had a one night stand?: LOL.....
danced in the moonlight?: i DonT tHiNk So...
hated the way you look?: BaCk iN tHe Day
witnessed a crime?: yEs
had deja vu?: yEs
stripped for someone?: BIG LOL.....
walked barefoot thru the mud?: No
been lost?: AwAy fRom My MoM wHeN i Was LiTTLE
been to the other side of the country?: Yes
swam in the ocean?: YeAh & woULd NevEr dO iT aGain UnlEss i wAs iN CaNcUn AgAiN
felt like you were dying?: Oh YeS
pole danced?: WhAtS Up WiTh ThEsE qUeStiOnS!!!???
played cops & robbers?: WhEn i WaS LittlE
cried yourself to sleep?: YeS
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: LOL... iM AsHaMeD tO saY.. i HaVe
made prank phone calls?: YeP
caught a snowflake on your tongue?: yEs
kissed someone in the rain?: No
blowed bubbles?: yEaH
told a stranger you loved them?: hELL nAw
had a wish come true?: YeS
jumped off a bridge?: Do i LooK sTuPiD??
kissed a fish?: WoW....
ate dogfood?: NO
sang in the shower?: lol... YeaH but NoT iN A LonG timE
had sex in the woods?: i HaVe FAmiLy reAdin ThiS!
had sex in the park?: HeRe we Go AgAin
had sex in the car?: Who HaSNt??
had sex in the pool?: LOL...
sat on a roof top?: yEs
worn the opposite sex clothes?: YeS... i LikE tO At NigHt!
had sex at a church?: sHHhhhh.....
screamed at the top of your lungs?: yEaH
stayed up all night?: yEp
didn't take a shower for a week?: ArE yOu sErioUs... ??? NaW...
climbed a tree?: yEp
believed in ghosts?: yEs Sir...
been streaking?: NO
been skinny dipping?: lol... yeS
been to jail?: No
been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: ALOT
been pushed into a pool?: yEs
played chicken?: yEP
broken a bone?: nOpe
been easily amused?: No
caught a fish, & ate it?: nOpE
made a porn video?: hEy... i cAn gEt fReaKy!
had nude photos taken of you?: ummmmm......
laughed so hard you cried?: LMAO... yeah!
cried so hard you laughed?: yEs
caught a butterfly?: yEs
mooned/ flashed someone?: LOL... yeP
had someone moon/flash you?: ThAt WaS nAsTy!
licked a cat?: huh?
forgotten somone's name?: with Or WiThoUt alCoHoL???
went scuba diving/snorkeling?: YeS
bitten someone?: LOL... i likE To dEpEnDin On tHe PeRsOn
been kicked out of your house?: YeP

My Interests

Lately Ive been prepairing myself to get back into shape and focusing on getting my life back on track and onto its regular schedule after kinda bein shutdown dute to the pregnancy of my little one. Although pregnancy can be quite an experience and has its ups and downs I would never change it for the world... my babies are my everything!


I'd like to meet:

ii KnOw iiVe GoT yOu ThiiNkiiN!! So jUs sAy wHaTs oN yOuR MiiND, iiM LiiSiiTeNiiNg....



i roll wit freak b*thches~Dem Nbetween da sheets b*tches~Call U daddy when u ballin N da street b*tches~dem pretty nail b*tches~bail U outta jail b*tches~chedda chase b*tches~neva actin fake b*tches~quick 2 put da foot up da a$$ on dem outa place b*tches♥ As you can tell I have a selected few and although we may not speak everyday but we all kno that whatever the issue is... We're down for our b*tches!!

...Oh, and by the way...


:::Basically its all comes down to this.... If you jus happen to come across something that may belong to me it would be in your best intrest you to jus leave it alone:::

♥ My momma's from Mexico...
♥ My Daddy's from Louisiana....♥ So that make me one bad bitch! ;-)


My Blog

::OLd SkOoL::

i love this song.... hella old school but can still relate to it!     ...
Posted by Are My Dreams Tryna Tell Me Something? on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 05:28:00 PST

!!!Let It Go!!!

Let it go for 2006..By T. D. JakesThere are people who can walk away from you.And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walkaway from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk a...
Posted by Are My Dreams Tryna Tell Me Something? on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:58:00 PST

::>A New Outlook On Life<::

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?:::.What attracts me.:::?

What I find sexy in bed. A man who puts my pleasure before his.... Anit nutting like Not cummin when he's all done... that shit sucks.... A man who gives me emotional as well as sexual intimacy.....
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~ Twelve Types Of Men ~

1. MR. THUG LIFE Advantagesa. Real good at making loveb. Fun and excitingc. Makes you laughd. Has your back, will fight and protect you Disadvantagesa. Usually drinks and smokes too muchb. Always go...
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