hi my name is Amber Rogers im 15 years old married and have a son i live in pikeville ky. and i have some wonderful friends my friend krissy i love her to death she is awsome. and my friend lindsey ive known her since headstart and she is always there for me.
my friends are amazing ppl and i love em to death.my husbands name is ElIjAh RoGeRs
my sons name is TyLeR RoGErs and i love them so much they mean everything to me id be lost without themsome of the people that mean the world to me are my son my husband and my mother she is so great she is my best friend also my friends mean the world to me too. so thanks so much girls( Krissy)and ( Lindsey)i love my family and i am very greatful to have them because they are so amazing.i am a very lucky girl to have family and friends like i do and i love them all very much.and also im lucky to be blessed with a thoughtful and caring husband that thinks about me and our son before anythong or anyone and im thankful that he stuck by me through thick and through thin he is always there for me and i know he always will be. he is the best.I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!!
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