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About Me



it was November 15, 1990 when Devan Hampton aka D-boy Classics arrived to this world. Still Young, it was impossible to predict his future yet as a child. Raised by mother from Brooklyn NY & father from NY/GA gave him the best of both worlds when it came down to music genres. oldies music would always fill his house hold.He loved the sounds that he would hear coming from the old record player years before he would ever dream of producing music.As the year went by Dev would explore the music would, experimenting with different sounds, learning new techniques, and meeting alot of new people doing exactly what he was into. He has been producing music since middle school, using what ever equipment he could get his hand on. His plan isnt to become the best producer or the greatest rapper, he just wants to hit the industry and make a change in his life and others

Or Th3 WoRLd

"Fast Food" November 28th, 2008
(Click Pic 2 Download)

My Interests


Member Since: 6/1/2006


Type of Label: Major

My Blog

"Fast Food Download LINK"

..TR> ..TR> "Fast Food Download Link" Fast Food is present to you by "D-BOY CLASSICS" special thanx to G-Wilikerz (produced track 6. Take You Home), ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 00:16:00 GMT


Come'on now, every one enjoys a good fight every now and then. Some simply like to watch brawls and some enjoy taking part in them. I remember numerous times instigating arguments so that even i could...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:13:00 GMT

Da Ya HomeWork mixtape free downloads l cheaaa tha mixtape is free bastards lol, money is nothin realy its tha art 4 me but download tha tape show love n feed back iite. thanx gr...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:11:00 GMT

"THE WAKE UP" DOWNLOAD THE MIXTAPE FREE ml Waddup ... Ay The Wake Up is finnaly here ..  i was planning on shoppin this 1 but ima hold yall down wit a FREE DOWNLOAD , its just...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 03:10:00 GMT