MisNopales.com profile picture


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About Me

Mis Nopales is a small company based in southern California created by dos hermanos desde 2004. We strive to celebrate nuestra cultura Mexicana through the various products that we offer. Our focus is to provide quality products with a unique flavor, like frijoles y nopales! Mis Nopales is home of the original "Ni Entiendo" T-Shirt and others like "Konfleis", "Y Las Tortillas?", "Vitamina P2", y otras. Accept no imitations or copycat cobardes! Check out our productos at www.misnopales.com and don't forget that Mis Nopales is also home to Mis Nopales Animation, donde encontraras los Flash Cartoons de Buey y Baboso, Calacartoons, El Cucuy, Los Essays, and more!! Check out las caricaturas at www.misnopalesanimation.com. The t-shirts are also available at various shops throughout California and a few other spots. For retail locations check the frequently asked questions(faq's) section of our website (www.misnopales.com). Gracias por apoyar a Mis Nopales! Add us to your friends list to keep up to date on new products or cartoons or check out the News/Blog section of our website which can also be found at http://misnopales.blogspot.com.
I edited my profile with Memo Erdes’ Chalupa Editor V3.6 !

My Blog

June 1-Buey y Baboso Premiere of "Narco TV"

Buey y Baboso in "Narco TV" and "Me Dicen El ChupaHorchata" starring el ChupaHorchata and Baboso are now online at http://www.misnopalesanimation.com
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 20:22:00 GMT