Artists For Artists- collaboration of talents and resourses to empower the Artist and those that work to raise them up. unity. no concrete agendas, just doing it.
---------- so far
David Stoupakis, Paul Booth,Yasha Young, Travis Lindquist, Kristen Ferrell,Angie Mason, Goldmine Shithouse, Madeline von Foerster,Colin Burns, David Hochbaum, Anthony Zito,
Anne Marie Dougherty, Grace Luminato, Marcus Poston,
Mark Sobczak, Rikard Lindstedt, Alison Silva,
David Kesting, Lincoln Capla
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
the honest, the generous, the talented
My Blog
A few shots of the third show courtesy of Angie Mason...thanks Angie. wish i had more but i dont..poop Posted by on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 20:04:00 GMT
It took some time but here are some snaps from the second exhibit of the Guild. It was a fucking great time and thanks to all who contributed and helped out. Until the next (April?), cheers motherfuck... Posted by on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 15:05:00 GMT