Sab profile picture


No love of the natural heart is safe unless the human heart has been satisfied by God first.

About Me

I am a daughter, sister, aunt, wife and mother. but above all, I am a walking miracle of God’s grace. Jesus is the very reason i breathe (you can take that statement literally). I can do NOTHING apart from Christ, He is and will always be the source of any good i have within me, any shred of strength, confidence, hope and righteousness is all credited to His Spirit living in and through me. "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith." –Phil 3:8-9 Never underestimate the power of love, faith, humility and prayer, it will transform and save ur life for all eternity!

.. Our sweet trip to AZ and CO.

My Interests

Jesus, family, patriotism, my husband, home, answered prayer, marriage ministry, bargain shopping, eating out, decorating, homegoods, cost plus, berean, the holy bible, art, egon schiele, papermate sharpwriter/syncro pencils, hallmark cards, cold stone creamery, christian radio, road trips, 94 aero squadron, museums, NYC, houlihan's, claim jumper, changs, pop secret homestyle popcorn, minute maid soft frozen lemonade, coupons, candles, quilts, cooking, lysol products, homeschooling, watching my daughter laugh, learn and play and looking at old photos and reading old letters clayton and i used to write eachother in high school 3

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, but untill that time love to meet you, why not?

I have such awesome friends!

Check out the rest of my friends


CURRENT FAVORITES: Brenton Brown, Tim Hughes, Matt Maher, Dave BarnesBethany Dillon, Casting Crowns, Thrice, Nichole Nordeman, Third Day, MercyMe, Bebo Norman, Anberlin, Sara Evans, Phil Wickham, James Taylor, Starfield, Josh Gracin, Ineloquent, Nickel Creek, Relient K, Alison Krauss, Sara Evans and all most anything on klove, sometimes youll catch me singing in my car to country music and a lil bit of ol school punk and hardcore (pennywise, bad religion, rise against, autopilot off, tsunami bomb, boy sets fire, strike anywhere, face to face...just to name a few). haha im the crazy woman youll see out on the road always singing behind the wheel...hopefully ill be at a traffic light one day and someone will discover me and give me a record deal...


okay here we go!!!! first off im a very picky movie critic. and i dont watch many films. im a sucker for chick flicks and romantic you should just gag ur self with a spoon now before reading this list... LOVE: Wizard of Oz, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Prince of Egypt, The Notebook, Hope Floats, Luther, Love Come Softly, Loves Enduring Promise, Loves Long Journey, The Gospel of John, The Count of Monte Christo, The Breakup, Beyond the Gates of Splendor, End of the Spear, Elf, The Patriot, A Beautiful Mind, Monsters Inc, Good Will Hunting, The Client, House of Cards, In Love and War, Cinderella man, The Newsies, .....and my new favorite, World Trade Center...ick i cant think of anymore at this moment ill come back and update this when i get the i need to get out more hahaha.


you mean do i watch it? YES, avidly. Love, Gilmore Girls Project Runway, Girls Next Door, I shouldn't Be alive, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Ace of Cakes, Wheel of fortune, Deal or No Deal, Everyone Loves Raymond, Mad About You, Intervention, new fav... i also watch morning childrens shows with my daughter. The history channel documentaries, military channel docus, mail call, and the playoffs (not by choice) when Clay (my husband) is around. Television is honestly a waste of time. Its one of my guilty pleasures in life.


I pick up a magazine now and again but im not much for casual reading, i read mostly for studying purposes. Currently reading Brennan Manning's "The Ragamuffin Gospel" and WOW is it an excellent book, its just filled with so much truth! I was hooked by the second chapter and now its one of my all time favorite books! and im also studing the book of John in my CBS class. And i just started a Elizabeth George's "A Woman After God's Own Heart" Study. God is definately speaking!


The Ones I live For: My husband, My daughter, and my personal savior, Jesus Christ.

My Blog

just like me

please watch both: Part 1 Part 2  ...
Posted by Sab on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:38:00 PST


Who is this man?  Why did He come?  What did He do? Why Jesus?
Posted by Sab on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:15:00 PST

just a note

please excuse any lovey dovey songs that will be playing on my profile in the next few months, im missing my husband and these songs are soundtracks of our relationship..   ...
Posted by Sab on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:47:00 PST

Martyrs and Thieves

There's a place in the darkness that I used to cling toThat presses harsh hope against time.In the absence of martyrs there's a presence of thievesWho only want to rob you blind.They steal away any se...
Posted by Sab on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:09:00 PST


clayton and i just finished watching the world trade center movie......... it was say the least, Oliver Stone did a phenominal job with it, it was tasteful, and just shows that in the ...
Posted by Sab on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:12:00 PST

Rockin the 80's...and more youtube junk

okay ill admit im bored but having fun reminiscing and falling back in love with my ska/punk are some videos i found featuring 80's cover songs&join me as I take a wild trip bac...
Posted by Sab on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:00:00 PST

tidbits on my christmas profile song

This is one of my many favorite Christmas hymns! Although the profile song is not sung in its complete version....i put it up because, comeon, lets face it b dillon is the best!  I did a lil rese...
Posted by Sab on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:56:00 PST

GRACE : God's Riches At Christ's Expense

Buy or borrow this book...It is changing my life!  No joke.  It is probably the best book I have ever read (and i dont particularly like to read), simply thought provoking! Book Review - Th...
Posted by Sab on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:21:00 PST

How ya like them apples?

My sister shared this with me i thought it was really neat, especially for those who are still waiting around to be picked!  Hang in there, I hope this encourages you.  Be blessed, always, S...
Posted by Sab on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:31:00 PST

Remembering 9/11 wow, its really hard for me to comprehend how long it has been and yet how fast the time has flown by since that infamous day.  Last week, while in New Yo...
Posted by Sab on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:12:00 PST