Crying myself to bed. Ummm what else... crying after sex. Music that makes me think about fish. Translating mumbles into requests.
A good shrink who looks like my mother.
Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire, YYYs, Axl Rose, Femmes, Fisher Spooner, Stars, Wolf Parade. Bands with the word "WOLF" in their name.
Bunch of them. Top three? The Sting, Rushmore, Casino Royale... NOT Magnolia - God have mercy on your soul if you like that steamer.
Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order CSI, Law & Order - Trial by Jury, Entourage, Rome, How I Met Your Mother. Battlestar Galatica is the best show on TV ~ I could give a fuck how geeky that sounds.
I love to read and not read. Just finished "Feakonomics" and the two Big Foot memoirs, "In Me Words" and "Me Write Book" and I'm on to "Devil in the White City" to prep up for Chicago. What else... Sperm Wars (great read), The Time Travelers Wife, Confederacy of Dunces, Biography of Nikola Tesla, Michelangelo. Me like books, me like read.
F.B. Shipley, Axl Rose -