Anyone with an extra-special lust for life. LENNY!! Animal lovers. Scooterists. Aerialists. Parents who refuse to give up. Fire performers. Scorpios. Pisces people. Anyone with their head in the stars, their feet on the ground, a dream in their soul and a song in their heart. Anyone who can roll their tongue. Anyone who is mildly curious. Can you swim underwater with your eyes open? Do you know what it's like to laugh so hard and so long that you forget what you're laughing at? Can you listen to another without doing anything but listening? Have you cut your own hair in your adult life? Can you go to Social Distortion the night before your yoga retreat? Anyone who's ever been caught - who hasn't. Can you make a good Mad Lib? Can you forgive another's inabilty to (fill in the blank)? Can you enjoy the Hell out of your family? Do you enjoy thunder and lightning? Can you comfortably travel and make it a good time? Can you speak up when you do not want to go / do - even though you feel like you're expected to go / do. Will you dance? Like sleeping with animals - not just your own?Respect - see notes in the 'About Me' section.Might sound like a lot - but it's only a drop in the bucket. 'Specially if you hope to get ta know me. Please drop me a line BEFORE a friend request so's we can chat a bit BEFORE you ask me to add you. Just cold callin' a friend request outta the blue ain't gonna get you in - okely dokely??