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Mia ;

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About Me

"She A Beauty" Shamia; Im just a girl wishing for the world...trying to get over past pain...sick of people playing the same old childish games! Im very different..theres no other in this world quite like me..Im an ORGINAL..I copies NO ONE! Sex in the City,& the Wendy William show is definately my OBSESSION. I enjoy romantic movies, and stories to escape tragedies in life & to make me feel at peace...There are times when I can be in a room full of people but still feel alone..so with that being said..I believe joy,happieness, & freedoom are God's most precious gifts that have to come from within.I have big dreams for my life..and I know one day they will come true... ;this is me!
I have ALOT of people who I LOVE to CHILL with but I only have four FRIENDS...Angel Collins aka Pebbles...she always gets me in trouble in Criminal Justice class for talking..but then she gets me out of it when she fusses Miss S. out..knowing we DEAD WRONG..lol.Jasmira Ross aka Antwinette..she's the peace maker out the bunch lol..she's the SWEETEST girl I know.I can tell her anything,& it will stay between US..she's helped me through the tuffest times in my life..she's definately my Angel from heaven.Cierra Parker..aka ManyMen..she's the RUDEST one out the bunch..lol..she is always ready to cuss somebody out for me..she doesnt even give me time to explain what someone said or done (espically when it came to my EX..we all know who he is lol)..<3 you chicas...last but not least..my BESTEST FRIEND in the WHOLE WIDE world..my chica who I've been bff with for quite some time..Karlene Whitney Hazzard! We've been through so much together..from trying to sneak her LOUD..drunk butt in the house (while she was fighting/scratching me..Ive still got scratches to prove it..lol) & going church the next morning& trying to act sober..to debating over who's cuter Brandon Henley or Darian Dennis...lol.Whenever somebody TRIES to come at me..this chick is right there to fight..she doesnt even allow me to get a word..or swing..lol <3 you bestie! polka layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / <a href

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