Sensitive & Sociable. I like people and I love me! Friends are important. They keep you sain and sanity is key. Soon I'll be 33 but Jay is 30 something too so I guess its still cool. I'm a social butterfly so that means I get along with most ages, races, genders, and sexuality's. I'm a perfect armpiece...I adapt to my surroundings, I know what to wear, what to say, and when to say it.Along with all my attributes I do have some flaws...I have a terrible sense of direction. I never know where I'm going and you could take me there 10 times and I'll still ask you how to get there. I wander aimlessly...I walk in what direction my body takes me sometimes and I drive while listening to my thoughts and miss my exits often. I'm very forgetful. I will leave my head at work if it wasn't attached to my neck and behave frantically cursing my forgetfullness when I'm trying to find it later. I repeat myself sometimes. I can't cook as good as Tiff but she tells me things slowly so I'm gettin it. I procrastinate. I cry over the silliest things because my emotions are fragile but I keep strong people in my corner. I snore. I Love love! And I think everyone thinks like me and get mad when I realize they don't.But....I do adore my job which is rare. I work with teenagers so they keep me young & up to date. Born & raised in your nations capital (and mine) but I've lived in the Durrty & the city of brotherly love so I'm well rounded. Well if you wanna say hello say hello...if you don't?....ok..