Alison profile picture


This was uncalled for.

About Me

I moved to State College in January, and I still have no real idea of what I'd like to do with my life. I thought about applying to grad school for my M.A. in Arts Administration, but the truth is that I don't know if that's really what I want to do. I'm even considering going back and finishing up my teaching certification, but don't tell anyone I said that. Now that I have some time off, I want to take it slow and figure things out before I lock myself into something else. I change my mind on a daily basis. The only thing I'm certain of is that I am in dire need of a break from academia.
I'm a musician. I should have gotten my degree in something practical.
I'm witty, clever, and, most likely, smarter than you.
I hate people who can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're;" "there," "they're," and "their." LEARN. It's not hard.
Contrary to popular belief, I am not a lesbian. Sorry, mom.
Complete strangers tell me more and more often (so it seems) that I have a beautiful smile. Suck on that.
I never hesitate when it comes time to cut a bitch. Especially a trashy one.
"Then" and "than" are also not interchangeable. Who knew?
In addition, I am a laugher. People always say they hear me laughing before they see me. If you can make me laugh, we can be friends. Maybe even forever.
Oh, and I'm pretty much a stalker. But in a classy way.
Photography et al:

My Interests

music, photography, random drunken makeouts

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who appreciates that I am hilarious.


Some of my favorite music includes a good dance party mix, JOURNEY!!, Meatloaf or AC/DC anytime, folksy stuff, Klezmer-influenced music, so-called indie-fuck music (I don't actually have a clue what it's called or who listens to it, but I like it), electronica, jazz, fabulous gay music, big band, RAGE, swing, Gorecki rocks my world, minimalism, primitivism, punk rawk, impressionism, and music of the classic and romantic eras.

Strauss? Yes, please! System of a Down? No, thank you. Moloko and Goldfrapp? Mmmmhmmmm! Broadway? Nuh-uh.


Inventing the Abbotts, Harry Potter, Secretary, That Thing You Do!, The Breakfast Club, Pleasantville, The Shawshank Redemption, Interview With the Vampire, Something's Gotta Give, Some Like it Hot, A Christmas Story, The Producers, Party Monster, Anchorman.


I don't watch much tv, but when I do, I watch the Style Channel and TLC. I'm completely addicted to home improvement and makeover shows. So, I'm a little shallow.


The Harry Potter series. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice. The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned by Anne Rice. So, I like Anne Rice. Trashy Romance novels. A Clockwork Orange. The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Pride and Prejudice. Little Women. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. The Secret Life of Bees. Memoirs of a Geisha. The Chronicles of Narnia. Anything.