AYE... yall already know who it is..... there is really no need for an introduction but if you must know da name is Ty'Lisa a.k.a LISA BABY. If you don't know who i am you really don't need to worry about it. Just know i am one bad bitch dat don't take no shit and gettin money. I don't got tyme fah lil boiz and gurls so if you lookin fah problems i ain't da one to mess with so click da X at da top of the page. Im makin alot of changes in my life so dat lil gurl stage is ova. If you tryin to talk business or on bigger and better thangs hit me up. Shoutout to all my gurls and niggas. Especially ash and moody....Shoutout to my bestfriend Brandon (who help me out with so much man).. and last but not least... the love of my life and forever my bay Lamar. Without you there is really no me bay and you know dat I LOVE YOU.To Da rest of yall... you know i love yall... GET @ ME.......ITS LISA BABY!!
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*Yall already know L-I-S-A a.k.a Mrs. Thompson*;" Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Click here to make Falling Objects Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe Lamar&Lisa 4Lyfe ~*Fuck U Bitch Im Actin Brand New*~
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