They call me ♥dAni♥ profile picture

They call me ♥dAni♥

My life has gone by so fast, I can't believe it....thank you everyone for being a part of it

About Me

Computer is in-progress...tell you a little about me. i'm going to school right know in Portales. i have decided to major in Spanish and maybe a minor in Marketing...

My Interests

Take the quiz: "Which color Chucks are you?"

Original Black Chucks
You are the classic, original Chuck Taylors. You are old-school and have a love for the good old days. Everyone likes and recognizes you. You are one of a kind.Click here to get your own Unique Contact Box - Over 1420 to choose from

I'd like to meet:

The creater God him self and his son Jesus Christ. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


Right know im into the pop punk style of music but other than that im open to all other kinds of music.... Hover Effects By

Which Christian Rock Band Are You?

You are Hawk Nelson!
Wow, you know how to have a good time! You love Jesus, but you really don't show it often. You love having fun just like Hawk Nelson.
Take The Quiz Now!


I like to watch MTV, all CSI shows, most CBS, NBC, UPN, FOX, or just any thing good on t.v.


BIBLE of course...


My heros are God, Jesus, my mom and dad because they mean the most to me in the world i don't know what i would have came out to be if they weren't here. my dad is a different story i lost him about 8 years ago i do know how it feels not to have him here with me i miss alot. I wonder if i would be the same person if he were still alive. i think not.

My Blog

i hate this feeling....

im just confused...y do i have to be confused y can't things just think things are going good...and they turn and f*** you over...maybe i am taking things wrong and stressing for nothing.....
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST

Caution i haven't bloged in a while

wow i havn't written a blog a while. School has been great...but alot of work...but o well its school...this semester i started working in Hispanic Affairs and i got put in charge of finding a co...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:52:00 PST

Hawk Nelson was in Roswell....

OMGH!!!! Hawk Nelson was in dream came true...the coolest part was that they played at my church how cool is that. we didn't take much pictures because we couldn't take pictures with a fl...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 02:01:00 PST

Why do I Care?

This was a thought I had when I was sitting in class the other day. Man o Man why do I care so much. Is it because I have a caring heart or I just worry to much? But one thin...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 03:56:00 PST

Small Update for those who haven't talked to me.....

Hey man college life is having a great time, classes are going great. Having fun and learning alot of things, o ya can't for get the NEW and awsome friends I am making....they are the...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 01:55:00 PST

College 5 weeks

well guys im heading off for college in the finally moving...i can't believe im moving out of my house starting a new life...i am so freaken excited...not even funny...can't wait...well me a...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:53:00 PST

man o man o man check this out

Man i have 3 jobs now...o ya check this out...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:05:00 PST

cool new things

WOW!!!!!!!!!!& AAAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! IS ALL I CAN SAY RIGHT new things are happening.....having fun doing them too...well im going camping for 2 weeks and field trip with SSS the next we...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Fri, 12 May 2006 07:59:00 PST

2 all my peps...........

what to do...... what to do....or write for this blog.....huummmmmmmmm.........o ya i just want to write you guys and say that i luv you....and thanks for being my friend.....your truely the coolest f...
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:51:00 PST

had a blast

omgh i had so much fun last night w/ my right and left butt cheek...(inside joke) never laughed so much....can't wait to do it again....
Posted by They call me ♥Dani♥ on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:39:00 PST