Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- profile picture

Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|-

You call me anti-social well your fuckin' right, cuz I hate this motherfuckin' and every motherfucke

About Me

My Life as it stands: My Friends Skating Film Musicany questions?. . . . good. 'Cause I'm not going to answer them.

My Interests

Concerts, Music, Skating, Film.Dope's ~ Now is the Time paired with Freddy vs. Jason

I'd like to meet:

The few remaining honest people I haven't met yet. Bands that are to my Liking.Job for a Cowboy ~ Etombment of a Machine


Anything Heavy. Anything with meaning Anything that reminds me of hurt.


I love old horror films. Especially black and white.No Country for Old Men All of the old Godzilla's Juno Anything directed by: Akira Kurosawa Ridley Scott The Cohen Brothers Tim Burton George A. Romero Dawn of the Dead I love the Die Hard Films MUSICALS of all sorts! WAR The Garden State Tears of the Sun Blackhawk Down Grindhouse House of Flying Daggers Hero The Golden Lotus Smokin' Aces Children of Men The Descent The Crow Trilogy Anything with Jet Li (especially his Chinese Films) Jackie Chan's Old movies.. Old Bruce Lee Films Tony Jaa films Dark City Crank (rememberance says that this is by far my favorite movie) City of Lost Children Amalie See Lola Run MirrorMask La Femme Nikita (The Original) Pretty Much every batman excluding the one that had Mr. Freeze in it. Sweeny Todd Shoot 'em Up Transformers The Number 23I've seen alot of movies


I don't watch a lot anymore, but I'm real big on anime and old shows. Vampire Princess Miyu Wolf's Rain Read or Die Burst Angel Elfen Lied Escaflowne Betterman Wild ARMs Scooby Doo Boondocks Metalocalypse


A lot. Currently reading 'No Country for Old Men' by Cormac McCarthy


My Blog

Insane Angel |Part II|

~Two Months Prior~    It had happened rather quickly from what the report had stated. Noone had heard anything, but the smell is what the tenant had said 'Alerted them' to the misdoings...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:44:00 PST

Insane Angel |fiction|

   "I fucking hate it. I fucking hate everything, it all is fucking retarted and pointless."A pause.     " Why the fuck do I get boned everytime I fucking try to get somewhere...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST

Day in Black

I guess its about time for a new blog eh?I'm feeling weary again. like nothing really matters, I'm always tired, I don't ever feel up to par with everyone in my life. Like I'm always one step behind. ...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:51:00 PST

Your the one that I need, I’m the one that you loathe

Never really understood emotions, they're a big part of my life, and I love to feel, there are points where I miss being depressed because that was a part of me for the longest time, and now its gone,...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 03:28:00 PST

What I wish I could say to you

(This is to a few people)Excerpts from 'The Way of the Fist'By ~ Five Finger Death Punch'You want it, you got it Everything you needed and more You said it, I heard it Careful what you wish for Delet...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 07:42:00 PST

Given Up

Most of the time, I try to have somewhat of a decent outlook with my situation, because most of the time, my life isn't exactly the worst ever. There are times though that I can't seem to get anything...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 03:25:00 PST

Unknown (My upcoming project)

Okay so, its 2008 and despite my normal disposition against New Year's Resolution, which normally I find a waste of time, I have decided to go against my norm this year.I have a resolution, and with t...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:58:00 PST

Razorblade Kiss

(simpy fiction. dont look to deep into it, and it is still under heavy construktion.)so theres this girl. I haven't known her for all to long but long enough to know that I had feelings for her. Or at...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:29:00 PST

Slit Wrist Theory (Read with caution)

Alright, so this is a basic explination that I believe is deserved.First off, I do believe I am becoming 'religious' I'm not picking any set religion because as far as that goes, I believe organized r...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:43:00 PST

A letter I wrote to a Reverend whom I find very close minded, and sick

Dear, Rev Green,My name is Dylan, I am 17, and am rather offended. Now I understand that your site has a disclaimer saying that your material might offend me. But its not necessarily your beliefs or m...
Posted by Ze Klein -|-All Hail the DEAD-|- on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:19:00 PST