♥ Come up and see me make me smile♥ profile picture

♥ Come up and see me make me smile♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

Batman Forever!!
Pimp My ProfileAm 46yrs young!!! I have two GORGEOUS kids Jess who's 19 and Adam who's 14. They keep me busy and up to date with all the kool stuff..Johns my gorgeous partner (",)...he's been there for me through all my ups and downs. Thank you batman! x x Am a Manager of 3 out of school clubs and I absolutly love my job.(well not wen its hot, sunny, raining or the kids are hypo and their parents take out their stress on me lol) Love talking and having a good gossip...well am quite nosey actually...so please add me and we'll have a good natter hopefully :-)


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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Rod Stewert!!!! David Beckham...yummy!!! John Travolta. Nicolas Cage. Brad Pitt. Mel Gibson...any of them would make my day!!!!

My Blog

Written just for me!!!

THE WALK.... Do you think your going my way. Slow journey 'long the open highway. Shining lights from man made stars. Rain splashed up from passing cars. Ice cold wind that passes through. Warm within...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 18:23:00 GMT