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Californian FB

About Me

"Vicker's subjected his many friends to a deluge of postcards which made little sense, even to those who could decipher his spidery hand. He wrote as he talked but without the great snorts of laughter.
Fowler complained: "All I seem to get are endless cards from Johnathan which seem to be yet more excuses for not coming to see me.""
Nicolas Pevsner.
I think Peter Wylly was remarkable in 1989.
I have a wierd thing about eyebrows.
I'd like to meet Pat McGrath: not love, just like.
Rosemary West was the wife of Fred West and between them they raped and murdered around eleven girls in Gloucester, UK. Including their own daughter. Fred West hung himself whilst awaiting trial, Rosemary West remains imprisoned, clinging on to the memories of her friendship with Myra Hindley, who became an icon of evil after her and her lover, Ian Brady, were both found guilty of murdering and abusing children in the 1960's.
Moors murderer Hindley died at the age of 60 following a chest infection.

Things like that really interest me.
"In life you need someone to tell you to get a grip sometimes."
The two things I detest most in the world are orange walks and being cold.
I understand that there is some traditional points for why they are still allowed to happen ("We have the right to march!") but I can't seem to find any way in which they're actually benefical to any generation. They encourage absolutely no decency in our society and they waste time. Maybe if they had them in the middle of a field far, far away, then it might not be as bad. I hate the old, fat, red-faced, ugly men that walk in them. I like it when it rains and there's an orange walk on.

My Interests

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