peter pan - so that i can go to neverland and never have to grow up! also beautiful people like johnny depp and bam margera!!
im open to anything really (other than crappy dance and r&b music). im mainly into punk rocky stuff and 'alternative' - watever the definition of that is meant to be!
i love every movie ever - well not really, but i love films. particularly harry potter (although the books are better), lord of the rings, any disney film but especially peter pan, erm..... girly films are great but i prefer films which make you think a bit and have deep meanings. i have an amazing dvd collection (ask anyone :P)
dont really watch all that much tv, but am addicted to neighbours. I love lost, desperate housewives and the OC - i would probably watch anything, but spend more of my time watching dvds :D
doing an english literature course i should probably love a whole load of novels and stuf - i dont ever seem to have any time to read anything other than course books though! i love tolkien and obviously the harry potter books - shoot anyone who says theyr rubbish after having actually read them - i hate it when people claim they dont like a book when they havent even bothered to try and read it grrr!!