LeLe profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm not always easy to get along with! I can be stubborn at times! But when you're in need ... Who's there putN it to the grind?
I say what I mean and mean what I say.
I don't always think and sometimes I think too much.
Sometimes I feel abused, but at my own self-destructive hand.
Sometimes I just want to let it all slip away, slowly into the abyss of insanity. And sometimes I'm happy and don't know why.
Some call me crazy, some call me too real, some call me dramatic ... Who are you to judge what's real?

Reality is in constant question. Ever changing, never the same as yesterday.
My sanity suffers and is slowly going away.
I know what I think and I know what I say.
I know who I am & I know who I am not. But you can bet I won't be moved unless its in MY thoughts.
I'm tired of games and trying to please everyone but myself. So many fake, they're so easily bought.

Caught in that vicious cycle of self-loathing and dispair. I keep waiting to part.
I don't like to be told what to do, and if you try, I'll rip you apart.

I like to break the rules from time to time, take chances, and cross the line.

Im loyal to the end, but if u cross me ... TrusT that u will reap it all in! ~~~~~~~~> And it may take a minute, but KaRmA will see .. you on your ass .. turn'N tricks in da streets!

I am who I am, and thats who I'll be. Haters get in my face and they're gonna see!
It Iz What It Iz & Gonna Be What Itz Gonna Be! So JuSS TaKe A CHiLL ... & RiDe It OuT WiT Me! ;) HA!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A FrIeNd To UnDeRsTaNd & Be StraightUp WiT Me ..
SomeOne ThaT KnoWs WtF RESPECT MeAnS!

I'd Like to Meet ...
OZZY - Of course! :-)~
My PriNce!

My Blog

The Story & Saga Of LeLe & Doc!

The story and saga of Lee & Doc   Written by: Lee Is it all a lie?  Life, the whole thing & is it all just one big fkN lie? Really? Is this love? OMG! PLEASE SAY ITS NOT SO!   It's been over for over ...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 05:56:00 GMT

The Dream Formula

The Dream Formula Step One: Dream! Ask teenagers, "What's your dream?" Too often they will look at you as if you're crazy. They haven't been encouraged to dream. They used to have dreams when they we...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:59:00 GMT