HollyDolly profile picture


Ho Fo Sho... Wine glass with bling!

About Me

Hey it's Holly. I'm back but just to keep in touch with friends! I am still attending Sac State and I plan on becoming a teacher. To make a living right now I'm serving at the Dead Fish. My favorite things in life consist of dancing, laughing, wine, and chocolate! I love the beach and the lake. Basically anything that is random and off the wall interest me (Inflatable monkeys, sombraros, and waterguns)! My friends and family mean the world to me! Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

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My Interests

Winetasting,dancing, drinks with friends, going out to nice resterants, boating, jettskiing, camping, the Beach, the Lake, DisneyLand!, Vacationing, Having fun!!!

I'd like to meet:


I listen to everything, I am a music freak! My favs would have to be anywhere from Rascal Flatts, Tim Mcgraw, Sarah Evens, to Jason Mraz, Tom Petty, Areosmith... I guess the list is endlist, I like it all rock, rap, r&b, reggae, you name it, I've probably heard of it. My best friends dad was a DJ growing up, so I always had was around music.


Number 1 picks: Dirty Dancing and Step up(Dancing movies, it should be a given)... Other than that, Don't laugh, but I really like the pre-teen sappy romantic comidy chic flics! Mean girls, Cinderella Story, Sleepover, Now and Then... Yes I'm a looser! I also love Old School (We're all streaking... Whose Streaking?... Everyone) and Zoolander (Hanzels so hott right now) and Ricky Bobby (Dear 8lb 6 oz baby Jesus). Center stage is also high on my list, considering I grew up dancing all my life. I guess though if I had to pick one movie that was my all time fav it would be Breakfast at Tiffanys, gotta love the classics!


First of all, Sex and the City is the best show of all time... Desperate housewifes, Greys Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill... I honestly though do not like TV all that much I would prefore to have a nice conversation with music in the background.


A walk to Remember, Summer Sisters, Under the Tuscan Sun, and The Lucky Bones... I love romance novels


My hero would have to anybody who is doing something to truely make a difference in others lifes.

My Blog

Every girl needs chocolate in her life...

To the nice girls who are overlooked, who become friends and nothing more, who spend hours fixating upon their looks and their personalities and their actions because it must be they that are doing so...
Posted by HollyDolly on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:11:00 PST

We deal with what we're given... Life

A time comes in your life when you finally get it ... when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out ENOUGH!!! Enoug...
Posted by HollyDolly on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 12:25:00 PST