abOut mE?:: simple but unique in my own waysss:: anime freak::guitar lover::adDiCt in mUsiC::cerTifIed fUn girl 2 be WitH
sOmeTimEs I aCt wEiRd, stRanGe aND sTUpid...
sOmEtImeS i'M bad, naUghTy and cOncEitEd (not all the time)..
wElL tHis iS me, cAn'T cHangE tHat..It dOesN't matTer whAt otHer peOpLe sAy..I DON'T LIVE TO PLEASE THEM..fOr me What MatTerS Is......I've maDe d mOst oF wHat I hAvE, i Had fUN, i lEarNeD fROm whAt i'Ve dOne and I've liVed thrOugH it aLl dEspItE thE gOsSips aND inTriGuessSSssS....
in shOrT i'M jUstBEING ME!!!!cOz i"m nOt peRfeCt..
AT LeASt I DoNt fAke iT!!!!!!!!HAtE ME iF YoU WaNT,
D' helL i cAre...jUst dOn't puSh thrOugH thE liMit
Coz i mIght gIve a heLl daMn WAR..
nD i'll be uR FUCKING wOrst nIgh
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