my interest is tO watch narutO and other anime, korean, japan, and english movie..cite melayu agak kureng sket..ada org ckp best baru tgk!! hehe..sory to say laa...
all my frens..from primary, secondary and also tertiary schOol from SKTTDI 1(KL), SRSS 1(KT), SKSena(PERLIS), SMKAA(ARAU), KMPP(PENANG) and KUTKM(MELAKA)..also, wanna meet new people from all arOund malaysia..add la saya..also wanna meet dhani from the guy above look lil bit the same wit the guy belOw?? hehe...
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ske dgr sume jenis lagu yg music n lirik dia bes~
Fav mOvie manyak maa..yg baru2 punye,, mision imposibble 3 agak best..yg lama romance movie like A Walk To Remember..really goOd rOmance movie..huhu,,sedey..byk lagi laa...cite melayu yg aku ske,,apa ek??hmmm....paling best cite Layar Lara..respek arr!! cite anak mami sbb loghat utara..tu je kOOt..huhucite hindustan layaaaaaaaaannnn!!cite jepun,korean and chinese sgt,,sgt,,sgt layaaaaaannn!!huahua..dats all..
rancangan tv ske,,LOsT,,OprAh,,ScrUbs,,C.S.I,,hOuse,,Trek Selebriti,,AC Disini pun best gak,,dan macam2 yg ada dlm astrO laa..
Ske baca buku tulisan sidney sheldon, judith mcnaught, julie garwoods, Nor Hayati Berahim, fauziah ashaari..
My heroes is firstly my Dad, secondly my mOm & lastly my family..