laughing till my stomach hurts...looking at stars at a really high altitude...talking to God....actually LISTENING to the music in my car while driving in the pouring rain (adds dramatic effect...especially when you're really pssed off and need to vent)...cadbury eggs at easter...candy corn in october...purfume that no one else favorite cat, Blackie...being a shoulder to cry on...crying on someone else's...writing blogs...and various types of candy.
Me & Noa
mE & KaLynn N.Y.E.'07
This is the freakin' funniest thing I've ever seen!
I want to meet New Kids on the Block but this is as far as I've's me after the concert...
Just a heads up:These next two vids take a lil longer to load fully but, whatever, watch 'em anyway! =)
OMG I'm in love with this song right now!
MY BFF- Kristina
ok so savage garden kinda kills the scene but i still LOVE this movie!...
"We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet..... I mean, what does any one life mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things..... all of it, all the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness'".
---Shall We Dance
i hardly have time for tv but....whatever is on my tivo....I love reality shows....not gonna lie...i love the simple life....the Bachelor, Beauty and the Geek2!!!, .... stuff like that....also the OC, Friends re-runs, Way of the Master, Joel Osteen, i love the E! channel and the cartoon network & now....CNN...(thanks to the Miss CA pageant!
an old history book known as the BIBLE...a.k.a. the Living Word of God..He's Just Not That into You & It's Called a Break-up Because it's Broken (Greg Behrendt) ....."Marriable"...freakin hillarious...i couldn't put it down!.... style, bazaar,elle, and pretty much all the other fashiony ones... ..
my mommy....and superman.Everyone please welcome to the world Isaballa Tina-Marie Benavides---- MY FIRST AND ONLY NIECE...