Ich Bin Rachel. profile picture

Ich Bin Rachel.

About Me

this is my personal account
if you're my friend, i know you in real life

hello, my name is rachel
fuck you myspace :D!!
i love my family and i love my friends. they are priority. each one of them means the world to me. if i like you, congrats. if i dont like you, ehh not too great but life goes on. i think hugs from behind are the cutest. parties are fun. im short and chubby, and i am okay with that. i don't really hate things. actually, i dont hate anything. so i guess that gives you a pretty good chance. my recomendation: push through the obnoxious girls who stand in a blockade in the middle of the hallway at school. life's just too short.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

tommy chong

My Blog

about me i guess

1. Time: 11:382. Name: Rachel Hannah3. Nickname(if any): Rach, Rachy, RachyRach, Freddie, Kitty&etc4. If you were a skittle what color would you be?: yellow6. Zodiac: virgo7. Hair color: blondish pink...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 08:51:00 GMT