Hey... well ma namez ELAYNE funnily enuf! am 17 1/2 yrs old (the haf makes aw the difference).. a went to the bestest skewl Greenock Academy! n left at 15 :( went to college fir a yr 2 b aw qualified to wurk wae ponies tehee! av jst joined e police cadets recently n am luvin it minus the ironin n stuff! a luv goin oot n gettin a wee bitty pished as sum o yaz knw hehe bt shhh am naw ment to do at! n basically am jst fuckin brilliant me! kiddn oan... if yaz want ma msn addy jst ask! xxxx mwah xxxx Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comI'm Elayne .. I like Hippos...Hmmmmm
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A ReAl LiVe HiPpO!*!*!*!*!*!3
AnD hOO eVa InVenTeD tHe FiNgY tHaT sTiRz HoT cHocOlAtE..WeLl FaZiNaTiNg 3
My Blog
Ma new job!!! wohoo!
hey pepz! elayne ere... well duh it is ma blog fingy.. just bak fae jackton aka( force trainin centre)... wot a laff.. where to start.... well we spent ova £50 a nite jst in food.. i trained at n... Posted by on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:24:00 GMT