Bleh...What is there to say. I'm 19 years old. I'm a manager at Taco Bell. [Think outside the bun] I go to college at TCC. I'm your run of the mill weirdo, I suppose.
I'm quirky, corny and charismatic. I like joking with people. I enjoy dry humor, so you probably won't get my jokes. If you do, you probably won't like them. This is something I've accepted. It's not all bad, because the people I hold dearest are the same way.
I live life one day at a time. I used to hope for the future, but I've found out living that way is pointless. I try not to be a total pessimist, but it's sometimes easier than being an optimist.
I've been through a lot of shit. I've lived in hotel rooms and slept in cars. I've grown to be a tough and resilient person as a result. Now that I have my own means, not much stands in my way in accomplishing my goals.
I try my best to put one foot in front of the other, and I think I'm doing a decent job.
I'm an extremely loving person. I could even be a little on the clingy side. I fall for people too easily. I'll do anything for those with whom I love; even sacrifice my own happiness. If you don't believe me, ask the last person I gave my heart to. I still regret some of the things I've done to keep my love alive. If cherished, my love is undying. I can make you the happiest person alive if you let me. However, if you betray my trust I'll show no mercy in making your life a living hell. Once again, if you don't believe me, ask the last person I gave my heart to.
I'm passionate, strong willed and high-strung. I dislike limitations and seek to expand my horizons as much as possible. I'm indecisive and finicky. I say what I mean, but often hold back a lot of feelings. [if that makes any sense at all?] I've had my heart stomped on a few times, so I tend to be defensive when meeting new people. If you're interested in me, it may take a little work to get me to open up my feelings to you. If I feel you're the right person, I may let you into my world. You may then realized you'd wished you wouldn't have tried to get in. Willing to take that chance?
I feel like I'm writing this in stream of consciousness. You get 10 cool points if you know what that is. Blah!! I'm writing a novel!!
This is all I have for now...If you're interested [I doubt it], check back later, there may be more.
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PS; My life has enough drama. I don't need any of yours.
AIM; wilmil1989