Topito | Dreamer profile picture

Topito | Dreamer

About Me

(Español) Conocido como Topito, Lalito, y El JB. Nacido en California pero lo encuentras seguido en Mexicali. Es chilo, amable, le gusta agarrar cura, pary. Tiene 15 pero se la rifa de mas grande (segun el) Es cantante, rapero, vocalista, y ingeniero en todos los generos de musica. Se avienta sus rolillas aca, algo bien. Pero le encanta todo tipo de musica es productor musical. Si quieres saber mas de el picale al msj. MSN: [email protected] jaja (English Biography) Topito, (Toe Pee Toe) is a bilingual singer,rapper, and producer hitting the charts of r&b, rap and now a regional mexican singer. Use to be known as MC DREAMER but then grew into the nickname of Topito from all of his friends. Also Because "El Topo" is his father. (El Topo-The Mole-Topito-Little Mole)Born in Salinas,California; March,1 1994. At the age of 7 he moved to the Inland Empire, in a little town called Banning. Parents separated after the move in mid 2001. It made him get an inspiration over music of all kinds, singing and rapping. He would record his self made songs the best way he could. With his younger sister always supporting him. They both were talented in many ways, trying to make their own songs. When he turned 10, he began to make his own demos hoping he would inspire others to listen to his music. Barely enough support, but he never gave up. He released his own CD by the title: "Forever Love" in 2004. Still so young at he age of 10, he then still was always so encouraged and inspired. He went off the music for a year, family always in difficulties, so he lost interest. But as soon as he turned 12 this young producer, now with more maturity understood that in no way it was easy. His friends gave him the name of "Dreamer" because he was always so inspired to do his best and never gave up. At such a young age, he would make his own instrumentals, and edited his own songs. When he turned 13, he met Josh Brown. A classmate who was also young and very talented. Not knowing his Father owned an Independent Record Company, Dreamer, gave Josh Brown a copy of one of his own demos with the title of: "Dreams, Do Come True". Josh took the demo, and listened to it at his father' Studio. He went over it, with Recording Engineer: "Kid Puma". In 2007 Dreamer purchased enough DJ Gear to start a DJ Business. With the money he earned, he would save up for building his own Studio. He went wit the name: B.T.C Entertainment. Joseph Brown "Owner of Gilligan Records" was inspired by the name, so he was interested in buying the name from Dreamer. It was done B.T.C Records it was, Dreamer then decided to join the group but as a member not a Label. MC Dreamer was a member of B.T.C Records, now a International Record Label. In May of 2009 Topito went on to pursue his solo career and indepentently created the successful music entertainment "Topo Records" now a label. Then decided if he changed labels he should as well change names.

My Interests


Member Since: 31/05/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Vocales: Topito - Guitarra: Topito - Bateria: Topito - Acordeon: Topito
Influences: El Topo (my father) Mother, St. Jude, God and my fans.
Sounds Like: TOPO RECORDS & ENTERTAINMENT Artist Management And Booking & CONTRATACIONES DIRECTASJoseph Duran( USA ) NEXTEL 121*6897*78 CELL (888) 282-2008 OFF (888) 563-3456 FAX (888) 563-3485 e-mail [email protected] Oficina en Mexico ) Nextel 121*6897*78 Oficina (686) 185-9326 Cel (686) 185-9326 Email [email protected]
Record Label: Topo Records; BTC Entertainment
Type of Label: Indie

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