i've said games to pass the boredom between now and when i get off my ass.. tattoos and peircings..body modification of all sorts.. swords of most shapes and sizes (as long as their not just show peices)..i'm anti-alot of things...i'll not bother listing them..the few that really gets me are people who are afraid to speak their minds. and ignorance....stupidity should fucking hurt
once again i say shit comes in all hues. black brown white red yellow and blue (if your blue your just a dead shithead) i mesh well with long as your not an asshole i'm not going to have a problem with you. i can tolerate you if you can tolerate me and whatnot. if your sending me a least tell me who you are or send a message or something. i don't typically add people i don't know..or who are just adding me to get more friends.
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleep. Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.
I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons.
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices son.
They're one in the same, I must isolate you…
Isolate and save you from yourself …
Go Back To sleep.
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D&D fantasy style shit.. like the forgotten realms.. yea..i'm a geek
I use to want to play guitar like slash when i was a kid..he's still kinda a guitar hero for me..but i'm nowhere near as good as him (yes i know there's better guitarists...but gnr was what i started listening to as a kid so shatup)