Hey... its a bit long putin my life story up here but dis is a quick snippet of me...
I work part-time as a moderator and mentor for an online organisation called "L8R" (WWW.L8R.UK.NET), where I mentor young people aged between 11 and 18 on current issues that us young people face in today's day and age...
I'm also a working member of the group dey call Re:birth The Gospel Dance Company which is run by Daniel 'D7' Martin...I am part of the admin team etc...THEY ARE MY EXTENDED FAMO!
I AM indeed a DISCIPLE of the Lord and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!
(me love 'im......me love 'im......me love 'im)
I was brought up in the 'Church' so I THOUGHT I was cool...but I found that I often envied those who were in the world because I didnt think I could ever have a testimony. I really wanted to get in to some trouble or something so that I could almost qualify as a Christian....however, unbeknown to me, that was my testimony. Jesus had kept me safe throughout my youth...and for that He (and only HIM) deserves ALL the glory.
Listen to Da' Truth's song "My Story" that's basically my testimony to a 'teeee'!If you dont know GET to know...4real!
Peace up, A-town down...JESUS UP...devil down....ah-wooooo (The sound from the film "300") lolBy da way did I mention i'm really SANE! OK! TRUSS!Peace love and Jesus peeps.