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I cant stop smiling and I dont know why I'd want to anyway

About Me

Mia is the best ever and ever! she is getting so big and so smart and is crawling EVERYWHERE!! she pulls herself up and she will be walking soon! nothing can describe being a parent and nothing in the world could replace it! all I want now I want for my baby and all I do I do for her. I would NEVER change one single thing about her or my life as it is right now! everything is WONDERFUL!!! I love Mia I love Mia I love Mia I love Mia I love Mia!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

If you break a dish you must make a wish that a fairy will put it back together. and if you break a bone don't cry and moan just go home and get some rest. but if you break my heart, if you break my heart, if you break my heart, well just don't break it ok?

I'd like to meet:

Julie Clark. (if you know who that is you're laughing right now. if you don't, you must not have kids)


Music's good when it doesn't suck


movies are what I watch at home cuz we have no cable


Mega Match and Match Game


currently reading: whatever the teacher assigns


in the Mega Store of life, you can be found in the bargain bin.