About Me
Officials in a southwestern Chinese county brutally slaughtered 50.000 dogs, in a Government-ordered crackdown.
Dogs being walked by their owners were seized and beaten to death on the spot.
Had the Government been more attentive and proactive about rabies vaccination, the killings would never have been necessary.
I'm an English Masitff boy, a little over a year old. My real name is Sir Galahad, but everyone just calls me Galahad. I have been to school, puppy class and Basic obedience. I will also take Intermediate and Advanced obedience. My mom is training me to be a therapy dog, but I have some more training to do before I am ready for that. I really love all people and animals so I can't wait to go to hospitals or senior living places. I'm sure they will give me lots and lots of treats mmmmmm. I have also heard that maybe I can go to schools and kids will read for me, that sounds like so much fun, just imagine, snoozing away while children read all kinds of good stories, I hope it's lots of Mastiff girls in those stories.
I have a sister her name is Hera and she is a Bullmastiff, she is okay but she tries to push me around a bit and being a real bitch. But I wuv her lots and mama says she is older than me so I have to listen to all the wise things Hera has to tell me, yeah right she's got worse manners than I do, okay maybe not, but I do the puppydog eyes better, so I am much better at getting away with things lol.
I also have a brother, Zeus, he is a Siberian Husky and my mom adopted him from the pound a few years ago, waaaay before I was born. I like him, but he doesnt like me. To be honest he doesnt like any dogs at all, the only dog he loved was Buffy my sister who is now at the rainbow bridge. They were best friends and when she died he decided he didnt want anything to do with other dogs.
I loooove to take long peaceful naps in the couch, and at night I sleep in my mom and dads bed. I like to play outdoors in our big backyard when it is nice weather. Not too warm and not too cold, and I don't like rain, my mom even have to MAKE me go out to go potty when its raining.
I eat quite a lot and drink lots too. I like food, people food is much better than doggy food though, so I always try and do my "puppydog eyes" to get a little bit of what they have. My mom makes me take all kinds of stuff, that she calls supplement, I am kinda smart though, I made her believe that I wouldnt take it if she didnt put it in peanutbutter, me wuv peanutbutter.
"What the Lion is to the Cat
the Mastiff is to the Dog,
the noblest of the family;
he stands alone,
and all others sink before him.
His courage does not exceed
his temper and generosity,
and in attachment he equals
the kindest of his race."
Cynographia Britannica - 1800
"MCOA Rescue/Placement Service exists to aid in placing stray or abandoned Mastiffs in adoptive homes which will provide a high level of care and where the spirit of the MCOA Code of Ethics is observed. The Rescue / Placement Service may assist Mastiff owners, who for any reason can no longer provide a home for their Mastiff."
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