Breathing. Eating. Walking or riding. Coasting is good too. Makin' low budge from no budge. Baths. Combining 2 words to make 1. Makin' it right with the wrong girls. Finding my keys.
People I already know in real life, mostly. Clever people and good spellers. No LOL please. E-greetings can lead to virtual friends. No slutcam or spammers please.
Love Rap, Progressive Folk and Softgoth. Grunge comeback for 2007 I think. 101.1 fm or 690 am is how I roll in my ride.
Jaws, The Shining, Living in Oblivion, Strange Brew, Dark Days, Conan the Barbarian. The Life Aquatic. Others I'm sure. Most documentaries. Vacation movies. Chevy Chase is the man.
friday night revolution and dance 360. WWW.VBS.TV is another favourite.
The Skateboard Mag. Books by Tom Robbins, magazines and work-related manuals. Books with pictures or picturebooks work best.
not gyros