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What is the question with no answer?

About Me

My name is Anthony. Here are a few random things so you can get to know me: -- I believe in honor, in a lifelong quest to be understand what it means to be honorable to other people. -- The time when I feel at home is in the woods, on a warm clear night under a starry sky. Everywhere else, I feel like I'm just a visitor. -- I was very overweight for much of my life. Then I lost 140 pounds through a unique eating plan. This is not a commercial, I'd be happy to tell you all about it. -- I work for a cool startup software company named BotProof. Someday, you will all know our name...and the world will hear us roar! -- I love to laugh, laugh LOUD, and laugh OFTEN. When I'm not laughing, I'm making people laugh. -- I only have one life, so I will live it right. Morals matter, actions matter, and ethics matter. -- I work hard during the day, and party hard in my free time. -- I think living things are cool, so I will step over an ant if I see it on the sidewalk. Of course, once bugs invade my home they are the enemy. -- I own an eight foot leather bullwhip, and I know how to crack it. And I don't mean with the lion tamer method, either. I'm talking Indiana Jones style. -- When people on the street ask me for change, I give them some if I have it. Because sometimes you're the guy asking for change. -- Reading books strengthens the mind in the same way that exercise strengthens the body. -- I believe in love. I don't think it's some magical storybook thing, it's a real and essential part of the natural order. Love compels us to do the right thing, it makes us strong, it keeps us together. Love is what creates families, and tribes, and even nations. -- It's good to rebel against authority now and then. -- My kindred spirit is definitely the dog. I treat my dog Harmony like she is my daughter, so she means everything to me and she is spoiled. -- If you're not CPR certified, get certified. If you're are, go again...when you don't use information, you forget it. -- There is a difference between being silly, which is awesome, and being immature. -- Once I jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet. It was fun. -- I think that gigantic corporations are dangerous. Once they reach a certain size, there is no more accountability. Each employee can ignore the actions of the group because none of them are individually responsible. Corporations should live a lifetime just like we do, replacing themselves with their offspring. -- I enjoy giving things away more than accumulating things. Give your friends gifts just to surprise them. -- I like to have living plants in my house, for oxygen and because it calms the soul. -- Tip generously, unless the waiter really sucks. -- Don't fear death, it is nirvana and the end of suffering. That being said, you should put it off as long as possible. -- For some reason, I was born with only 29 teeth (as opposed to 32). -- I recycle what I can, and I try to conserve energy. -- Drink lots of cold clean water. I cannot stress enough how vital that is to your well being. -- I'd rather play sports than watch them on TV. -- I have lived in Illinois, Arizona, and Florida. The cold, the hot, and the wet. Florida is my favorite of them all, but sometimes I miss the mountains and the sunsets from out west, and the autumns and the snowfalls from the north. -- Privacy is valuable, even if you have nothing to hide. It troubles me that we are rapidly giving it up for a false sense of security. The power grab of the current government is not protecting us from evil, it is protecting ITSELF from US. -- I feel most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, but I've been told I look pretty sharp in a suit. -- I enjoy sleeping immensely, sometimes more than being awake. I frequently experience sleep paralysis, which is weird. -- My initials spell a word: ARK. -- One time I figured out the secret of happiness, but I can't explain it in words. So don't ask. But if you get to know me well enough, you'll find it rubs off on you. :)

My Interests

Music (jamming, listening, composing, instruments, singing, all of it), Science, the color red, art, circles, dreams, philosophy, books, meditation, water (waterfalls, thunderstorms, anything involving a lake or a river), darkness, thoughts and imagination, yoga, Zen and Zen culture, massages, jokes and laughter, ghost stories, learning, skinny dipping, tatoos, the idea of infinity, dragons, martial arts but especially Judo, jacuzzis, ancient Greece, fireworks, prisms, jellyrock, hypercubes, cliffdiving, trampolines, magnets, Sign Language, Love, any kind of advanced technology, cars and machinery, blacklights, racquetball, partying!, sushi, holograms, titanium, camping/hiking, tools and gadgets, basketball, fire, plasma spheres, the world of Native Americans, poker and card games, supercolliders, Peace, carnivals, kissing, Greek mythology, archery, tie-dyes, lasers, the Russian language, brewing beer, dogs and dog training, recycling, the thrill of skydiving in the freezing cold air with the wide open Earth below you, glass objects, stand-up comedy, the beach and everything about it, magic shows, parades, microscopes, people-watching, the Internet, laying in a hammock, getting dirty in the mud, black and white photography, live theatre, ant colonies, blue jeans, fossils, ylem, kites, weightlifting but particularly the Bowflex machine, snorkeling with tropical fish, things made from mahogany or oak, board games because they're a great social interaction, roller blading, chocolate and all things sweet, Tai Chi, billiards, red wine, skiing, the Renaissance, bean bag chairs, outer space (stars, supernovas, nebulae...), the circus, organic foods, The Far Side, sitting on porches, movies, random chaos, survival training, museums, numbers and symbols, darts, politics, old fashioned things, poetry, fractals, drum circles, mountain biking, surprises....

I'd like to meet:

Dreamers, musicians, artists, philosophers, old souls, kind hearts, misfits, geeks, troublemakers, the people on my Heroes list, the people on my Books list, comedians, dancers, magicians, people who think outside the box, writers, poets, actors, the second person to figure out where the word Ipsclar can originally be found, scientists, inventors, tree huggers, dog lovers, Bodhisattvas, people who can laugh, a ghost, people who can cry, racquetball partners, entrepreneurs, my clone, Texas Hold 'Em players, a real psychic, children of the Rainbow Family of Living Light, a sentient being from another planet....AND A NOTE ON THE SECTION BELOW (TOP FRIENDS): THEY ARE NOW ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF HOW I MET EVERYBODY. :)


Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails are currently leading the way, by showing how the business model of the recording industry can use the Internet for the common good.


2001: A Space Odyssey, The Abyss, Airplane, Alien, Altered States, Amadeus, American Beauty, An American Werewolf in London, Apocalypse Now, Back to the Future, Batman, The Beastmaster, Beetle Juice, Blade Runner, Brainstorm, A Christmas Story, Clash of the Titans, A Clockwork Orange, Contact, Cool Hand Luke, The Dark Crystal, Dead Poet's Society, Die Hard, Donnie Darko, Dr. Strangelove, Dreamscape, Dune, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Easy Rider, Evil Dead II, Fantastic Voyage, Fargo, Fearless (Jeff Bridges version), Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Fire in the Sky, The Fly (remake), The Fog (original), Forbidden Planet, Forrest Gump, Ghost Busters, Gladiator, The Godfather, Gremlins, Idiocracy, It's a Wonderful Life, Jurassic Park, The Karate Kid, Koyaanisqatsi, Krull, Logan's Run, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Matrix, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Moulin Rouge, The Nightmare Before Christmas, A Nightmare on Elm Street, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Perfume, The Pink Panther, Poltergeist, Primer, The Princess Bride, Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Quest for Fire, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Rain Man, Real Genius, The Road Warrior, Rocky, Saving Private Ryan, Scanners, Scarface, Schindler's List, Se7en, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Shakespeare in Love, The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs, Sin City, Stand by Me, Star Wars (original), Starman, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, They Live, The Thing (remake), The Time Machine (original), Titanic, Tombstone, Top Secret, Total Recall, Tron, Twelve Angry Men (original), Unforgiven, United 93, The Untouchables, The Usual Suspects, The Wall (Pink Floyd), War Games, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


Funny: The Simpsons, South Park, Faulty Towers, Seinfeld, Beavis and Butthead, Friends. Serious: Law and Order, Twin Peaks, House.


Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lao Tzu, Douglas Hofstadter, H. G. Wells, Oscar Wilde, Plato, Emily Bronte, William Shakespeare, Anton Checkov, Edgar Allen Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Mary Shelley, Douglas Adams, Rainer Maria Rilke, Lame Deer, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dr. Seuss, Alan Watts, Isaac Asimov, Emily Dickinson, Albert Camus, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Philip K. Dick, Louisa May Alcott, Jules Verne, William S. Burroughs, Shel Silverstein, Jane Austen, Henry Thoreau, John Steinbeck, Robert Frost, Joyce Kilmer, Robert Luis Stevenson, Hunter S. Thompson, Stephen Hawking, Ayn Rand, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Walt Whitman....


Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Louis Pasteur, Nikola Tesla, Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Kurt Godel, Martin Luther King Jr., Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Salvador Dali, Ludwig van Beethoven, The Buddha, Georgia O'Keeffe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ansel Adams, Tim Berners-Lee, Johann Sebastian Bach, Harriet Tubman, Vincent van Gogh, Jacques Cousteau, Roger Waters, Susan B. Anthony, Leonardo da Vinci, Linus Torvalds, Nelson Mandela, M. C. Escher, Dorothea Lange, , John Lennon, Annie Leibovitz, Les Paul, Gloria Steinem, Steve Wozniak, and last but not least...my father, R.I.P.

My Blog

The Delirious Night

by ipsclar   Ride the delirious nightOn rusty rails of madness Stowaway in crazy box cars Full of stars Climb down the curls Of her braided ropes of twirling hairWhich swerve down her gown ...
Posted by ipsclar on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:09:00 PST

The story of Ugly

  "Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and shall we say, love. The comb...
Posted by ipsclar on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:34:00 PST

My Conversation with Jerry Seinfeld

  The other night I was sitting in a luxurious room with a good friend of mine, chilling out.  We were quite comfortable.  There were other people in the room, and they were t...
Posted by ipsclar on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:27:00 PST

BotProof is born!

  Well kids, I finally did it.  I took a huge leap and quit my job of 3 1/2 years as a software developer with OandP.com.  I've joined my brother in founding a new company, our own...
Posted by ipsclar on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:35:00 PST

Something Unsaid

There is something unsaid, Something unseeable. It is the darkness behind the unopened door.It has been right in front of me my entire life. It is beyond explanation.All words are shadows of it. I am ...
Posted by ipsclar on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:59:00 PST

What is ipsclar?

What is ipsclar, that's what everyone keeps asking me.  So here is the official answer:  Ipsclar is a secret.  It's a riddle, a puzzle, a game.  It's a challenge, for you, to figur...
Posted by ipsclar on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 08:20:00 PST

Star Dance

This is an interesting poem.  It was written with Magnetic Poetry.  That's a novelty they sell in gift shops.  It's a box with hundreds of tiny refrigerator magnets,...
Posted by ipsclar on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 10:03:00 PST

NSFW...Warning: This Blog is Rated R

  To all the women of the world:  stop using the name of your own sex organ as an insult.  Here's why.... Language is important, the things we say reflect the things we think.  Als...
Posted by ipsclar on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:20:00 PST

Your MySpace Account May Be Hijacked

Has your MySpace account been hijacked?  You're probably thinking, "No, why would you say that?" Because it keeps happening to people I know...smart people, people who are familiar with computers...
Posted by ipsclar on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 09:13:00 PST

Hide and Seek

One day, my friend's 3 year old son said to her, "Mommy, I can't see God.  I think he is pretend." Since I am the boy's godfather, my friend asked my advice about the question.&nbs...
Posted by ipsclar on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:52:00 PST