Carretear, Negocios, Idiomas, Amigos, Musica, Peliculas, Simpsons
Aerosmith, AC/DC, BB King, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Grand Funk, Janis Joplin, Jethro Tull, Jimmy Hendrix, Journey, King Crimson, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Miles Davis, Muddy Waters, Pink Floyd, Queen, Robert Johnson, Rolling Stone, Rush, Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Doors, The Who, Van Halen, Yes, ZZTop
A clock Work Orange, Forrest Gump, The Shining, The Shawshank Redemption, Requiem For A Dream, Oldboy, The Big Lebowski, Lord Of War, Eyes Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket....
Lost, Los Simpsons, Futurama, Padre de Familia,
El Honor del Samurai, Charlie y La Fabrica de Chocolates, El Codigo Da Vinci, La Saga de Los Confines