BEARHUNTER profile picture


About Me

BEARHUNTER began as brothers David and Mike Calos looked to start a new project musically. In the Fall of 2006 Robert Pusateri joined and the trio began writing music that extracts the most appealing elements of rock history without being over indicative. BEARHUNTER songs to date evoke a sense of looming madness fueled with love, coffee and adrenochrome. Their debut album released September 12, 2008 is the culmination of their experiences together and apart over this time._______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________BEAR HUNTER Self-titled (Harvest Sum)While Bearhunter is relatively new to Buffalo’s tight-knit music scene, they have already made an impression. Is it only a matter of time before they’re its stars? Who knows. Are they as good as any band in Buffalo? Bet on it, every bit. Brothers Mike and Dave Calos and Rob Pusateri have hit the motherlode. For their first full-length release it sounds like the Buffalo trio has hit on a tantalizing rock middle ground that manages to slip between a Dinosaur Jr and Pavement style slack rock and riff-pounded, post-Zep heavy rock. While this self-titled album represents an elemental combination of indie-colored sensibilities along with real rock values—like no fear of guitar solos or a blues base—there’s even more to like in Bearhunter’s delivery. They have a tightness that can take a band years to work up to and don’t shy from a warm pop side underneath the overloaded amps that’s never far away and bubbles up in harmonies, virally catchy choruses, and slick drumming. The one other thing is that Dave Calos seems to be a real frontman, something that is sorely lacking in so many bands. There’s little posturing here as he sings and plays guitar like he means it and does both not so much with zeal but definitely with purpose. The entire band exudes purpose, really. There’s little flashy about them: They are dudes playing in a rock band and that can be a beautiful thing, especially when done with the palpable grace and purpose that Bearhunter manages. Wannabes take note: Here’s the real thing.—Donny Kutzbach - Artvoice Magazine ..
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My Interests


Member Since: 31/05/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: David Calos, Robert Pusateri, Mike Calos
Influences: pavement, wilco, the black keys, modest mouse, built to spill, the shins, radiohead, pearl jam, nirvana, smashing pumpkins, early weezer, the strokes, white stripes, raconteurs, QOTSA
Sounds Like: BEARHUNTER (SELF-TITLED) *HARVEST SUM - 012 *RELEASED 9/12/08$10.00 PLUS SHIPPING & HANDLINGTRACKS: 01 Manboy. 02 White Crayon. 03 Fortune Cookie. 04 Ignorance Is Bliss. 05 Air Condition. 06 The Quitter. 07 Mos. 08 Can't Stay Mad. 09 See You Again. 10 Yodel. 11 Crate Up A Creek. 12 It's Over.------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- OR YOU CAN PURCHASE THE BEARHUNTER ALBUM OR MP3'S FROM CD BABY BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW.
Record Label: Harvest Sum
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


this is clearly not a "official" bearhunter posting.  It has not even been cleared by management rendering it unofficial.  There have have been many new songs brewing, some of you have heard some of t...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:22:00 GMT

On The Eve Of April

It has been a little while now since we have had much new to tell you so I figured right now would be as appropriate as ever.Dave and his wife welcomed the youngest Bearhunter fan to date, their first...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 15:04:00 GMT

Listen to the Bearhunter performance on WBFO 88.7 Wednesday Night Concert Series from 12/3/08

Thanks so much to everyone who joined us last Wednesday evening on the University at Buffalo South campus Allen Hall for their live to air program "Wednesday Night Concerts" on fm 88.7 in which Bearhu...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 03:50:00 GMT

Bearhunter interview on Buffalo Avenues!!!!

Thank you to everyone who made it out to the Bearhunter Album release on September 12, 2008 at the Mohawk Place in Buffalo, NY.  We all had a great time.  The other bands, Johnny Nobody, Han...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:22:00 GMT

holy robotrork

In the world of bearhunter, all is good.  We have spent all of june recording a full length disc to be released at the end of this summer. Recording began with the don layin down his drum tracks ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 18:52:00 GMT

number twelve

thank you to everyone that was part of saturday night at merlin's.  The Lochs are "officially" my favorite band in buffalo.  however it was nice to hear the swamp mojo blues that is the...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:31:00 GMT

thanks to the dude who wrote this

after a shitty day at work its nice to see that someone wrote something nice about you.  Thanks to Amdrew Blake for writing this.  If you or anyone are reading this and your feelin it, ...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 19:39:00 GMT

keeping warm

well, first off thanks to all that came out to the merlin's show saturday.  those that made it out before the storm kept us warm the rest of the evening.  If your name is Roger:  sweet ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 07:01:00 GMT

Blind BABY

Come one, come all to the fourteenth annual BLIND BABYS HOLIDAY, three days of art and music with real good people.  It really is western new york's primiere art event. And the food is alway...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:01:00 GMT

hands, unicorns and bears oh my

on a happy note spring has sprung, life is blooming, now its hot as fuck. but I love it.  the new song "air conditioning" really comes into play right about now and its not even july yet.  t...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:50:00 GMT